Wrestling Thread Mar 3-9 | 3/9 TNA Lockdown - Magnus v Joe | Team MVP v Team Dixie Lethal Lockdown

Some of you guys are too eager tho. Punk going to be there, he come out at this time, during this match, theres still time coming.
Besides the obvious troll job and burial the rest of the show was pretty great especially that first hour.
Last 2 hours of Raw were some rubbish, however Shovel is doing an incredible job at getting nuclear heat on him, so I guess that must be applauded.
I'm more disappointed that Bryan was once again left lifeless at the end of a show, with HHH taking out what I know very well is real-life frustration on Bryan :lol: I was never totally sure whether Punk would return tonight or not...until they brought out Lana and Rusev at like 9:55. Like others have said, I don't want an obviously disinterested Punk. Why have another disinterested disgruntled on the card when we can have a disgruntled triple threat in Del Rio vs Christian vs Ziggler :lol: ?

Orton with titles


Wacky Orton
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I think what we've learned today is that Dave Meltzer is a charlatan.

i been tryin to tell yall for years. Dude doesnt even like wrestling anymore, hes been on the MMA bandwagon. He just sticking with bs dirtsheet stories because thats his income :smh:
I'm just in complete amazement, and am enjoying the current state of the WWE. HHH and Steph feed the people plates of ****, tells them it's a plate of ****, and the people still grudgingly eat it. Sir Shovel is my hero right now.
I'm sorry but if Punk walks out here tonight and shows up...he becomes the biggest hypocrite on Earth. Everyone is skipping right past that.

Yeah it would've been a hell of a moment...but if dude is as done as he portrays himself to be, then he damn sure better not have showed up and walked into a situation created for him. He would've came off as a bigger diva than he already is.

I find it funny how WWE applies a certain set of rules for "their guys" and they get **** for it (rightfully so). But the IWC does the same and it's all good.

And yeah...Meltzer took a huge L tonight. To be fair though, there were other reputable guys who had the same sort of information. Dave ran with it the most though.
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