Wrestling Thread Mar 3-9 | 3/9 TNA Lockdown - Magnus v Joe | Team MVP v Team Dixie Lethal Lockdown

I'm glad this shows over and Punks not back...it makes things so much better when he comes after a long hiatus.
Vince and co are entertaining the hell outta me right now, Only thing that would make this better is if they actually went through w/ Batista and orton as the main event

I really wanna see them push a crowd to rush the ring
Shovelette ad-libbing with the mock YES chants and literally kicking D-Bry when he was down.
I wanted him to come back just for the crowd but thats about it.

I don't want a disinterested Punk on my TV. Dude just comes off as a whiny *****
That was amazing my god HHH is reaching Putin levels of treachery

I weirdly respect Punk now for not returning to this mess....WM XXX is going to be a beautiful disaster
This is true, but don't you want your top names out there for your biggest PPV?

If I'm Vince I do.. but as a fan of Punk, I don't want dude to be put into a ****** match with HHH or that Triple Threat with Orton/Basura
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