Wrestling Thread Mar 11-24 | 3/18 RAW - HHH Responds to Brock | Punk Still Has Taker's Urn

Good looks on the Walmart deal. I'm just getting to watch WM28 which I attended last year in MIA. Hearing the commentary on Taker/HHH was great, by far the best match of the night. And I didn't notice it at the event but Cena is blatantly calling out moves and not selling just awful. About that Once in a Lifetime tho :lol: :rolleyes
Wrestling fans dnt want the Rock to have the strap, but are ok with Punk ending the streak?

**** outta here
Obviously Taker is going to win and obviously I don't want the streak to end, but if anyone is going to do it, Punk would be ideal.
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Wrestling fans dnt want the Rock to have the strap, but are ok with Punk ending the streak?

**** outta here
Obviously Taker is going to win and obviously I don't want the streak to end, but if anyone is going to do it, Punk would be ideal.

I have to disagree.

Although I obviously don't think anyone should end the streak.....

Why waste it on Punk? It would be just another moment added to his already long list of accomplishments. If anyone should do it, it should be someone like Ziggler. A guy who could use it to propel him to the top and solidify a main event spot. (Of course that would never happen with today's writing staff)
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Punk is established and already a bonifide main guy for years to come. He doesn't need it, especially coming off a 400+ day title reign.
I have to disagree.

Although I obviously don't think anyone should end the streak.....

Why waste it on Punk? It would be just another moment added to his already long list of accomplishments. If anyone should do it, it should be someone like Ziggler. A guy who could use it to propel him to the top and solidify a main event spot. (Of course that would never happen with today's writing staff)
I feel you. From a wrestling standpoint, having Punk win would make no sense

As a Punk mark, I would be ecstatic
I would personally like to see Punk as the WHC again. He is the only one in the WWE currently that could bring some legitimacy back to the title.

I mean...

That was Ric Flair's title. Sting's title...

And it means absolutely nothing now.

Damn you, David Arquette.

Ziggler winning is such a bad idea. They have him in middle card limbo. Even by next Mania, Ziggler is either at the main event level or still the show stealing jobber.
Mark Henry Injury Update

While it did appear Mark Henry suffered a knee injury, and there was an "X" sign given during his match on Saturday night in Norfolk against Kane, it is not considered serious.

Henry, in fact, worked yesterday's show in Baltimore.


There will be a new thread later today.
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