Wrestling Thread Mar 11-24 | 3/18 RAW - HHH Responds to Brock | Punk Still Has Taker's Urn

Punk is a damn fool 
Would have been awesome if Punk got hit with one of those attitude era lightning bolts.
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I feel like Paul Bearer would have loved that, but what the hell do I know?
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Kane winning clean :wow: . Figured Punk would make use of the urn after that.

'Taker/Kane posing was dope for the few seconds it lasted. Bearer really made those two who they were during the 90s/early 00s.
great ending to Raw, loved that.

I hope Punk hold the urn and walks out with it at WM. Then maybe even breaks it over Takers head or something...
I understand Punk being the douchebag heel, but WWE couldn't have just ended Raw with Taker and Kane posing to honor Paul Bearer?

It's not like Punk has to resort to doing that to get heat.
I love the fact that Bearer's kids were there tonight too. I would have loved to see Vince cluing them in on what the night's show was going to consist of.

"Alright, remember how your dad recently passed away?....."
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