Wrestling Thread Mar 10-23 | 3/17 RAW - Three Weeks Till WrestleMania XXX

About to go on a little rant.

5. I am on an RVD fix right now. So excuse me.

6. So nobody has been watching NXT? Yall talked all that *** about how yall liked Arrival and how yall will start watching but I haven't heard a damn PEEP from anyone about NXT since? Yall dudes kill me man.

Can you recommend rvd matches to catch on the network. I really enjoy his craft
-The WWE Tag-Team Championship match at WrestleMania XXX on April 6th will now feature current champions The Usos defending in a three-way match against both The Real Americans, as well as the team of Curtis Axel and Ryback.

Originally, Axel and Ryback were going to be part of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. The change was made, however, at the last minute to move them over to the tag-title match instead.

Another match that is reported to be added soon, but has yet to be officially announced, is a match featuring The New Age Outlaws and Kane against all three members of The Shield.

Apparently The New Age Outlaws wanted to work a program with The Shield before they split up. It’s also being reported that they will likely serve as the new henchmen for The Authority.

There is expected to be eight matches on a four hour WrestleMania show, which would leave plenty of time for the top matches to run long, giving the guys an ample opportunity to have a number of great pay-per-view style matches.

Additionally, there is expected to be at least one match on the pre-show, which as announced on Wednesday, will be a two hour hype show. While nothing is official, the match will likely feature some of the odd men out of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal match, or an NXT match of some kind.

Its ridiculous were about 2 weeks away from the biggest event in wwe and they still can't figure out and build storylines towards matches. They need to shake up creative. First they wanted to split the real Americans and shield now their fighting together?

- Despite the fact that we’ve seen a ‘reunited’ Shield on WWE television over the past several weeks, the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that there are still plans to break up the dominant faction.

The current plan is for Roman Reigns to break off on his own, while Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose would remain as a tag team for the foreseeable future.

So meaning they don't have a plan for Ambrose and rollins
I am not good with dates. About to run out to the gym. Aye Peep, can you tell the class some top notch RVD matches to watch?

Safe bet though.

ECW: vs. Bam Bam Bigelow for the TV Title
WWE: Any match vs. Jeff Hardy
ECW: Any match vs. Jerry Lynn
All Japan: vs. Doug Furnas

Aye G, what are you looking for? US or Japan?
-The WWE Tag-Team Championship match at WrestleMania XXX on April 6th will now feature current champions The Usos defending in a three-way match against both The Real Americans, as well as the team of Curtis Axel and Ryback.

Originally, Axel and Ryback were going to be part of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Didn't Ryback already cut a promo about winning the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal? Take out the team of Ryback/Axel and replace them with the Rhodes brothers..
To me, its Taz with one Z, hated they had to add another z when he went to the WWF. I forget if he wore the singlet at the Arena when he dropped the title to Dreamer at the arena.

The way they let the Sabu/Taz angle go for a year was one of my favorite angles in the internet age with wrestling. The progression of the feud, the airtime they received on USA when ECW invaded RAW. I remember finally waiting for Barely Legal, which I was supposed to go. No one was expecting Fonzie and RVD being involved afterwards. Two different styles but they definitely complimented each other. I think they even tagged when he was the Tazmaniac in a 3way with the Steiner's and Malenko/Crispenwah.

Check out RVD/Sabu vs Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinsaki aka Hakushi. Also a match mentioned on the podcast interview that I got to watch when I worked at RF Video kiosk is RVD/Jericho vs. The Eliminators. When done properly, Total Elimination was sweet. DC, I think the RVD match you are talking about from the podcast is against Phil Lafon, aka Dan Kroffat.

Going to listen to Pt. 2 of Jericho's interview with RVD at work, except to see the tourists and them thinking I'm important, hahaha.

For the NXT people, why the character change of Leo Kruger to Adam Rose? That Harper rana was dope!
For the guys looking for RVD matches on the Network here are some good ECW ones.
Heatwave 98 RVD and Sabu vs Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki.
Hardcore Heaven 2000. RVD vs Jerry Lynn
Guilty as Charged 2001 RVD vs Jerry Lynn. (Last ECW PPV match ever for the original ECW.)
Heatwave 99. RVD and Jerry Lynn vs Justin Credible and Lance Storm.
November to Remember 99 RVD vs Taz.
Those were all memorable ones for me. RVD to me was the perfect ECW wrestler. He balanced the high flying and technical aspects which made some ECW guys popular with the ridiculous over the top violence that made others popular.
Why couldn't they give NAO The Shield on any program other than WM?

Smh @ Rhodes Bro not being in the 3 way.
Two weeks away from Wrestlemania, and they're still wearing dunce caps when it comes to the matches :smh: :smh: just put "Rybaxel" in the battle royal since they're a worthless team anyway, and put the Rhodes Bros in the 3Way match. I applaud them for wanting to save time for the matches, but they're supposed to allot for that anyway. I wanna say this company is ran by spider monkeys, but that would be an insult to spider monkeys.

Random (WWE) RVD matches
- vs Jeff Hardy (Invasion)
- vs Jeff Hardy (Summerslam 2001)
- vs Undertaker (Vengeance 2001)
- vs Orton (Armageddon 2003)
- vs John Cena (One Night Stand 2006)
- vs Brock Lesnar (KOTR 2002)
- vs Eddie Guerrero (Backlash 02 & a 2002 Raw episode)
- vs Kane (steel cage, Raw 2003)
- w/ Kane vs Lance Storm and Chief Morley (Sunday Night Heat 03, before WM X9?)
- w/ Rey Mysterio vs Rene Dupree & Great Muta (some 2004 PPV)

I know he had some good matches with Shelton Benjamin too, probably between 04-06
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so top three women are naty aj and cheeks..... anybody else good for the divas division and is eva on tv anymore

Main roster. I'd say A.J., Natty, Alicia Foxx, Layla,Naomi, Summer Rae (if they had her wrestle), Brie Bella...

On NXT, they got Paige, Emma (I'd put her #3 on main roster). I'm not sold on Bailey yet.

^^^the only matches that get time are the main events, ie Taker and a Title match. This year, I could see them needing a WHOLE lot of time for HHH/Bryan, Title Match, Cena/Wyatt and Taker/Lesnar.
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Main roster. I'd say A.J., Natty, Alicia Foxx, Layla,Naomi, Summer Rae (if they had her wrestle), Brie Bella...

On NXT, they got Paige, Emma (I'd put her #3 on main roster). I'm not sold on Bailey yet..
The WWE women's division is talented if you want to include the NXT girls.

Sasha Banks (I checked out a lot of her indy work when I was doing movesets for WWE 2K14 and she can go man.)

Bayley is still learning as you mentioned.

For the guys looking for RVD matches on the Network here are some good ECW ones.
Heatwave 98 RVD and Sabu vs Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki.
I was never high on this match. There were a lot of Sin Caras in this match. I missed it originally and didn't see it until like 5 years ago. I had a school function that night. Sunday yea I know. But I was disappointed highly in that match.

@Styles, I don't know why I keep calling that man Dough Furnas LOL.
Safe to say the Usos are retaining at Mania. Expecting some cool spots by the both of them, and maybe even a Cesaro Swing of both Usos at once :nerd: .

Expecting the Brooklyn crowd to hot all night. Was pretty funny hearing Taker on Mania Event say "Next week, in Brooklyn..." :rofl: .
I forgot about the boss. You're right. She's a decent worker. I think she still has to work on the mic and gimmick. But that's like 75% of the main roster too. I think she's cute in that red bone kind of way.

And yeah, I don't see how No Country For Old Men are supposed to go against the Shield. If we believe WWE booking, Reigns could take out the NAO. Which makes it easy for the others (that includes the U.S. Champion) to pick off Kane.
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I'm not too worried about Wrestlemanias build. At least the main matches are getting good heat. Cena/Wyatt and Bryan/HHH are already better than any feud they've done in the past couple of years except for Michaels /Taker II and Taker/HHH HIAC , but those matches practically wrote themselves.

If anything, WM has a history of bad buildups. Look at WM X7, you had a bunch of matches like Angle/Benoit and Guerrero/Test being thrown on the card at the last minute. Austin/Rock is an epic match-up but the actual feud was them arguing about Debra as Rocks manager :lol: You also had HHH messing with Takers bike and Jericho peeing in Regals teacup. Not exactly the most inspiring feuds ever but it all worked out in the end.
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I thought the Taker/HHH HIAC build up was ugh. Oh, you beat me within an inch of my life, so we should have a rematch...

And Mania is hit or miss as far as build ups. WM 5 Main Event had the best build up.

WM 4 was screwy (since DiBiase was supposed to get the title and they threw it on Macho Man instead).

Michaels/Taker 2 had a great build up.

Rock/Cena 1 had a good build up. In fact, I felt like they pulled the trigger too quick since the Mania Rock hosted kind of set the seeds in motion. But they messed up that Mania in that Miz got overshadowed by Rock/Cena even though he was the title holder and opponent.
Not WM related but I thought was a weird build up was Razor/Michaels.

Especially the Raw where HBK kept giving Razor the Razors Edge. Must've did it like 9 times before they went off air :lol:
I don't really remember that. But I don't like it when people steal/perform the other's moves. Mania 17 with Rock/Austin doing each other's moves. HHH trying the Kimora. Cena jocking CM Punk's knee and bull dog.
I'll be in the building :smokin

Is Hulk Hogan gonna be there? He's the one guy I've never seen live yet.

Is NYC, of course he will be along with the Taker.

Not to sound sidity, but this guy shows up 3 times a year and I've only gone to four wrestling events in my life and this dude's always at them somehow :lol:

I remember going to the Raw at Izod Center when that volcano went off in Europe and he's the only person I even remember being there. :lol:
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