Wrestling Thread Mar 10-23 | 3/17 RAW - Three Weeks Till WrestleMania XXX

Poor Billy..
I need to make it to another WM again. Going to WM26 was a blast, even though the crowd sucked.

It was at a TLC PPV... It was for #1 contendership... It was a great match, probably my personal favorite ladder match as well... It was wrestled so much unlike normal ladder matches.. I definitely recommend watching it...

Yeah that was at TLC..2011 I think.
SMH at @PLVN  recommending December to Dismember 06. Joint is garbage aside from the Hardy/MNM match. Next. 
More cross-promotion with NXT..
It would be cool if WWE used NXT like the NBA uses the D-League. Few things that would be cool.

1. Injured main roster dudes "rehab" in the D-League. Like they were going to do with Rondo. Like they did with Tyson Kidd. When the main roster dude comes back, let him come back to NXT first.

2. Have, "Loser gets sent to NXT for a month" stipulations to matches.

3. 10-day contracts for NXT dudes. Where they are "auditioning" for main roster spots.

I think it could work. Especially #1
I think the Battle Royal on WM is a great idea. It helps get more faces on the show and we can get introduced to some NXT guys.
It would be cool if WWE used NXT like the NBA uses the D-League. Few things that would be cool.

1. Injured main roster dudes "rehab" in the D-League. Like they were going to do with Rondo. Like they did with Tyson Kidd. When the main roster dude comes back, let him come back to NXT first.

2. Have, "Loser gets sent to NXT for a month" stipulations to matches.

3. 10-day contracts for NXT dudes. Where they are "auditioning" for main roster spots.

I think it could work. Especially #1

So wouldn't #2 just make the entire NXT roster/program look like a place for losers?..And by extension make anyone who wrestles there, or comes from there to the main roster, seem like they will never have any chance for success because they suck?
So wouldn't #2 just make the entire NXT roster/program look like a place for losers?..And by extension make anyone who wrestles there, or comes from there to the main roster, seem like they will never have any chance for success because they suck?
Yea you are right.
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