Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

I don't even know if I could handle her Naomi's mass. I never been with a black woman before.

93-95 is my favorite logo. If they had it to this day, I would not complain.

What are all y'alls favorite logos?

99-01 easily just brings back good times
The Scratch logo is too classic to me. The 93-95 one is sentimental as well cause of though Coliseum videos I used to buy
83-92 logo for sure. That's when I was first introduced to it and brings back memories if watching it with my grandpa. I miss him so much. :frown:
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I don't like champions having non-title matches and then losing. Defend that belt all the time.
Bray's entrance has surpassed Daniel Bryan's, joint is amazing with the crowd and all the lights.
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I don't like champions having non-title matches and then losing. Defend that belt all the time.
In general I would agree with that. But a lot of times that's how people earned their title shots. It really depends on the build up to the feud as far as how everything develops and makes it either worthwhile or pointless.
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