Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

Here's an earlier stage one
Oh lord Bo Dallas is waaay up at the top near Sting and Brodus Clay :lol: :lol: and I wanna say Shamrock is assaulting a ref
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Ziggler with the MITB near parkour Morrison and two Doinks, how fitting

And HBK super kicking Aquaman
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They didn't name the 2nd competitors right? Just Rollins?

I'd go with:

BNB (unless he's defending the IC title that night)
Mr. Roast Beef Arby D
Big E

Viewing party tonight :nerd:
Unless guys are pulling double duty, the rest of that card is going to be a tough pill to swallow
Unless guys are pulling double duty, the rest of that card is going to be a tough pill to swallow

Although, MITB has been one of the more consistently good PPVs of the last few years. It's always a good show. I think there needs to be a briefcase match in order to continue to make it a good show. So I'm glad that there is.

I usually see it as the show for marks. It's usually the show that most of the time, the internet darlings begin their push towards the main event. But 9/10 times that push gets cut short for some reason. But it's always fun rooting for the guy hoping he'll be exception to that trend.
If Rusev isn't in it, you could have him face one of the black guys like Big E or Mark Henry.

Prob get Thwagga vs Lemon :rolleyes

Tag Titles match should be good.

Paige vs some broad

Rybaxel prob has a match with Stardust and Goldust.
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