Wrestling Thread June 13-19/ Money In The Bank Sunday/Survey On Page 1

This will always be the best Sting


Sting actually did some really good work in TNA..Not all of it was good, and some of it was really bad, but overall his time there was more positive than negative..

If only Dean malenko was wrestling today maybe he would get the respect he deserves. IMO he was the best of all time IN THE RING. I kno he couldn't talk be man dude was a machine.

Dean was an absolute beast in the ring and gets nowhere near the amount of respect that he deserves..


No weaknesses


Why do these indie dudes wanna go to WWE besides the money and free catering?

Uhh, because they only have so long in the business and WWE affords them the chance to make the most money while they can..

Whats this guys deal with me why is he hating so bad ?

Cause he, and everyone else, don't want you here..

I question how much attention Nattie and Renee pay to their bodies, so you're taking a risk of getting more than just a fart with those two. Can't do Maryse out of respect to Meangene45 Meangene45 . That leaves Lana, who I'm not too crazy about, but if she's all about keeping her man happy like she says, then you know she'll go the extra mile and probably get an enema, take a shower, and eat some food that will make the fart as tolerable as possible.
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Highlights from the conference call:


- On the Cruiserweights, he wouldn't agree that guys that size are doing the "best work in the world", but he does see untapped potential there. He doesn't think the division is all acrobatics and high-fliers anymore, and warns guys that fans get numb to that one style if they see it all the time.
As a tournament, the CWC will be "sports-driven" which is one of the ways it will differ from the usual WWE product.

This is probably one of the biggest things I've been behind HHH for from an interview he gave way back. Only problem is (as far as the main roster goes), when exactly will you loosen up the reigns and really have guys cut loose, whether No DQ matches, I Quit, etc?? After becoming immune to chair shots and blood through Attitude and some of Ruthless Aggression, and rrrrreally scaling things back after Benoit's death, it's about time to really let loose by now. There's no reason HIAC/Cage matches shouldn't have blood/brutality, and no reason CW sized guys should be wrestling the exact style as the main event guys. They've done better recently, but there was easily a 6 year period where they were doing some of the most tame things on television, with a few exceptions.
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Luke Gallows is quickly becoming one of the most popular people in the WWE locker room.
In an environment where there's often a feeling of walking on eggshells and where everyone is worried about their jobs, Gallows lightens the mood a little bit and brings a levity to the locker room.

It's not that Gallows is goofing off or not taking his job serious, it was described as a situation where his demeanor and the way he speaks lightens the mood and helps to make being backstage a more enjoyable experience for everyone.
Dude is both weird and funny as f--- in his interviews.
Luke Gallows is quickly becoming one of the most popular people in the WWE locker room.

In an environment where there's often a feeling of walking on eggshells and where everyone is worried about their jobs, Gallows lightens the mood a little bit and brings a levity to the locker room.

It's not that Gallows is goofing off or not taking his job serious, it was described as a situation where his demeanor and the way he speaks lightens the mood and helps to make being backstage a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

Dude is both weird and funny as f--- in his interviews.

This :lol: even when doing promos, his voice is such a contrast to how he looks
Finally got around to watching Seth 24.

It was fantastic.

There is no way someone could watch that and not come away as a fan of his as a human being.
Now the fart sucking and butthole licking conversations are part of NTWT.

I would rather @casekicks   and @green rhino123   talk about stupid title belts

@Liger30  , until you understand the true definition of your name, you won't get respect from anyone in this clubhouse. Do your researches. Acquire your histories!
Now the fart sucking and butthole licking conversations are part of NTWT.

I would rather @casekicks
  and @green rhino123
  talk about stupid title belts

 , until you understand the true definition of your name, you won't get respect from anyone in this clubhouse. Do your researches. Acquire your histories!

What title belt would look good on Jushin Liger if he wore a wrestling shirt? What podcast would they discuss it on? Which wrestler is Will Bynum like?

I just sent DC's mind into overdrive
Days late but I just now saw Fashion's promo from Monday :pimp: hit Cena with some reality.

I actually can't tell who is due to go over in this feud.
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