Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

What am I missing in Corbin this guy continually comes off as a goober to me

For once a homegrown talent that has some character and isn't an indie dude. They gotta end his feud with Ziggler already, this is approaching....well, Kofi/Dolph levels of # of matches and boredom.

Rollins looked great out there. Dude was manhandling Reigns, and in no way should he be a heel right now. I still don't get how you bring a guy back, continuously show videos of him recovering from his injury, which builds sympathy and rapport with the crowd, and still try to make him a heel. He is a good heel an exceeded my expectations of it, but he should be a 100% star face right now.

Weak *** cash-in too, totally undermined a good match.
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WWE picks who they want as champion.. It doesn't matter if you're homegrown or not.. Dean Ambrose is the WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT Champion..
WWE picks who they want as champion.. It doesn't matter if you're homegrown or not.. Dean Ambrose is the WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT Champion..
Ain't even related to the topic of conversation fam
Big E is a far better homegrown talent that deserves great solo booking
Pretty sure Vince is an advocate of Jim Crow laws still, don't see any colored wrestlers getting any shine while he's alive unless they're half Samoan or 7'
I mean if we're going with big white dudes only Harper better be allowed to cook when he's back then because he's the best guy with that build they've had in a long time
Ain't even related to the topic of conversation fam
Pretty sure Vince is an advocate of Jim Crow laws still, don't see any colored wrestlers getting any shine while he's alive unless they're half Samoan or 7'

Agreed but hunner isn't much better. Vince want to give big E a push and hunner wanted reigns and they went raged with reigns cause trips/steph pushed hard for it
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What!? :lol:

You are buggin man that match was awesome

We must have been watching different matches..There's no way in hell that was MOTY..It wasn't even the best match on the card..What Nakamura and Sami did at Takeover was incredible..Yiu can't say that for Cena/Fashions..
I mean if we're going with big white dudes only Harper better be allowed to cook when he's back then because he's the best guy with that build they've had in a long time
Nah he's actually a good wrestler we don't want that either, he needs to be handsome and chiseled. Arnie type.
Ain't even related to the topic of conversation fam
Pretty sure Vince is an advocate of Jim Crow laws still, don't see any colored wrestlers getting any shine while he's alive unless they're half Samoan or 7'

Agreed but hunner isn't much better. Vince want to give big E a push and hunner wanted reigns and they went raged with reigns cause trips/steph pushed hard for it
I hope it'll change. H seems to like giving Indy guys a chance and there's no way he'll keep up the same business practices as Vince. Big E really deserves a title run sometime though, and so do guys like Cesaro who lack mic abilities. Just how the cards flip I guess, hopefully brand split will reward some of these deserving dudes
Big E is a far better homegrown talent that deserves great solo booking

Oh no doubt. He'd obly need slight tweaks to be pushed. Really just his NXT gimmick.

And Corbin most definitely has a real character. He said himself he's all about his money and could care less about indie dudes experience or veterans in general. On top of having a distinctive look, entrance, and finishers, he's more identifiable than a lot of other guys on the roster. Development as done a good job of creating something for him, which is what NXT is supposed to do
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It's not his lack of character that hurts him, it's how he plays that character off. Like I can't see a big crowd rallying behind dude as a champion, that swagger just doesn't seem natural to him. You can just tell the guy is socially insecure by his body language.
Oh no doubt. He'd obly need slight tweaks to be pushed. Really just his NXT gimmick.

And Corbin most definitely has a real character. He said himself he's all about his money and could care less about indie dudes experience or veterans in general. On top of having a distinctive look, entrance, and finishers, he's more identifiable than a lot of other guys on the roster. Development as done a good job of creating something for him, which is what NXT is supposed to do

What distinctive look?? A stomach that looks like a face? Great finisher I'll give you but he has just as much character as Brie Bella does/did. Then again I haven't watched since wm and before that since the rumble and before that since summer slam last year.
Didn't see a lick of MITB last night, but saw on IG that Jeans cashed in and won? :lol: They're rushing this Shield Triple thread IMO, I'm sure it's coming at Summer Slam.

Off to St. Maarten this morning for the week fellas. Hold it down, enjoy Raw and Smackdown :nthat:
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