Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

Speaking of Heyman, there's been some talk of new Heyman Guys joining him and Brock.

I think AA would be perfect.
Mandy Leon is thick in person man. Didn't expect that.

The red haired girl with the ******* is looking good too
I think if he wins tomorrow after his summer slam appearance it could be his last.... Anyone know how many appearances he's got? Not sure if he's got an out clause. But I can't picture him just doing a one and done if he wins. Dude looks mad happy to be part of UFC
Can't believe Bork fighting before ** **** :lol: dude is a bum

Bork looks lean man.
UFC got Lesnar as an Canadian..

Yeah he mentioned during the press conference that he chose Canada cause he lives there now.

Speaking of Heyman, there's been some talk of new Heyman Guys joining him and Brock.

I think AA would be perfect.

Already been posted pleighboi :wink:

I know, i just wanted to speak about it by adding AA.
Interested to see ehat they do with Reigns in the draft.

If he goes #1, the boo's will be louder than normal.

Also hoping they switch up the PBP teams.
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