Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

Brock is looking in great shape for his fight tomorrow..Hunt's still gonna knock him out though..

If he wins I don't see Vince letting him out of his contract..After all the money he's paid Bork for that very limited schedule, he can't just let him go..

He won't let him walk regardless. He's an attraction. 1 of only 2 maybe 3 left in pro wrestling (not including part timers like the rock)
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What is yalls fascination with Charlotte man.

I think she's actually a very solid wrestler..And she's one of the rare NXT people who've actually improved since she got called up..Her promo work and in ring work has gotten better..Plus she upgraded the boobies which is always appreciated..
- John Cena is apparently cutting back on working house shows and won't be touring full time like he has in years past.

- Finn Balor's WWE main roster call up is expected to come anytime but no later than the end of July.

- Neville may make his return to WWE television next week. Furthermore, his first program back could be with Chris Jericho.

- Zack Ryder may actually get to work a program with Rusev for the US title, which may include a match at Battleground.

Woo Woo Guy :pimp:

- It's expected that Moose will go to TNA, as they have given him the best contract offer.

Monty Brown 2.0
Can't believe Bork fighting before ** ****
dude is a bum

I tried to tell y'all when he was mailing in matches, but I just got called a hater
I think if he wins tomorrow after his summer slam appearance it could be his last.... Anyone know how many appearances he's got? Not sure if he's got an out clause. But I can't picture him just doing a one and done if he wins. Dude looks mad happy to be part of UFC

That's what I'm saying. I dont mind if he loses tommorow because he'll be done and can remain a special attraction with WWE which I'd prefer over the long run
Kind of a double edged sword though.... If he wins they'll likely lose him to UFC full time. If he loses his credibility in WWE looks bad.
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