Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

Titus shouldn't be beating Rusev anyway since Rusev himself needs to be built back up, and a loss would've sent him back to square one. But let's say Titus was supposed to win.... Do you really want him winning in an Uncle Same outfit as a total joke?? Heel/tweener Titus BTW >>>>>.

Jon Jones sucks, damn shame
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They have Rusev on a good trajectory right now

Can't wait to see how they blow it

I never hear any backstage stuff about VKM's opinion of the guy...GHIMS?
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Sheamus face turn coming.

They will hit the reset button on that boring *** Corbin dude. He will be receiving a push after the BE.
They have Rusev on a good trajectory right now

Can't wait to see how they blow it

I never hear any backstage stuff about VKM's opinion of the guy...GHIMS?
Seems like Roofus is a company guy through and through.Very rarely breaks kayfabe beyond UUDD.

Still curious why they decided to re-push him, but I'm not complaining (until he jobs to Chena again).
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They have Rusev on a good trajectory right now

Can't wait to see how they blow it

I never hear any backstage stuff about VKM's opinion of the guy...GHIMS?

He was in the doghouse for a while with the whole engagement thing with Lana. I guess he's on VKM's good side now.

Crews and VaudeVillains are not, though.
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We all knew Crews and VV were gonna flop on the main roster.

Crews wasn't ready. VV were ready, but their gimmick doesn't appeal to casuals. Being tied to the Guerrero family isn't gonna save Aiden English.
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