Wrestling Thread Jul 14 - Aug 3 | 7/31 WWE Announces Network Subscriptions, Predict The #!

How many subscribers will WWE announce for the WWE Network?

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  • 850,000

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  • 900,000

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  • 950,000

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  • 1,000,000+

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  • Poll closed .

Just saw the promo..

he really is everywhere, seems like the busiest podcaster :lol:

i enjoy Wai more, but John is appreciated for his hard work and coverage on everything Wrestling/MMA
Wai is a great supporting cast member. He will tell you himself that he can't carry a team. Great Scottie Pippen

ADR was the first to dodge that ONE legged kick. Wonder why he got lazy with that kick
Good man. Great point. I noticed this as well. +23 for you.

Kevin durant has enemies?
Ye KD is nowhere near as loved as he was when he was the anti-LeBron. His Twitter mistakes is part of that. Some folks have found fault in his choir boy act.
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G1 Climax Day 1 Review

Ishii/Fale : Nice opening match. Fans really love Ishii man. I love how he plays that underdog role but at any given minute it seems like dude can pull it out. Fale doing his big giant stuff. Cool opening match.

Benjamin/Gallows: That high kick Gallows did was impressive for a dude his size. Man, Shelton Benjamin does a lot of wide mouth screaming. You can bet that you see his teeth in every match. Crowd didn't care about this match forreal. I honestly didn't either.

Tenzan/Machine Gun: Fans loving Tenzan man. Wasn't expecting him to buss out the moonsaulto. And I damn sure wasn't expecting him to kick out of the cutter. Good win for Tenzan. Fans loved him during this match man.

Nagata/Kojima: Again, fans were really into this match. The match was cool. Nothing special but the fan reaction made this match something.

Yano/Suzuki: Eh. Quick match. Don't waste your time

Takahashi/Naito: My dude Naito's popularity has increased a lot over the last 2 years. Fans didn't really mess with him like that but they loved him during this match. I know people like to label Tanahashi as the technical "wizard" of this generation like Mutoh was in the 90s but I see more Mutoh, mannerisms wise, in Naito than I do in Tanahashi. Short quick bursts of movement AFTER being grounded. And just the way he springs to the top for his missle dropkick. Good match here. Surprising finish considering Naito won last years tournament.

Makabe/Goto: Strong match. Two killers going at it. On the fence about if this is must see but the fans were into it. Your call. Stiff stuff as usual from these two.

Tanahashi/Honma: Must see. Go watch.Losts of good back and forth. high Fly flow man.............

Nakamura/Shibabta: Must see. Hard hitting action. I was expecting a little more but it was a solid match. I need to start checking out a little bit more of Shibabta because I like his work whenever I see it.

Okada/AJ: Highly athletic match. Must see. Fans into it AJ is good man. SMH
Creatives way of a feud is when the challenger beats the champion in a non title
Match and now the challenger earns a right to face em. How many times have we seen that?! Can they get a little bit more......CREATIVE?!

This is WWE since 2009. Lazily throwing together "you beat me, I beat you, we're enemies" feuds, and having fresh matchups out of nowhere on a random Raw/SD instead of having well built feuds heading into a PPV. Orton/Cesaro, Bryan/Cesaro, Ambrose/Cesaro (hmmm) could have all been fantastic feuds instead of simply good to great one-off matches.
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I feel like your champ should always be fighting with the belt on the line. The thing they need is a ranking system like the ufc. That way we know who is a true number 1 contender.
According to PWInsider.com, Cesaro has been told by WWE officials to stop doing The Swing altogether because of how it’s getting over with fans.

Just make him a face already!!!
G1 Climax Day 1 Review

Nakamura/Shibabta: Must see. Hard hitting action. I was expecting a little more but it was a solid match. I need to start checking out a little bit more of Shibabta because I like his work whenever I see it.

I'm pretty sure you've seen most of his work post-comeback. It's too bad he wasted so many years sucking at MMA man :lol:

If you wanna see his earlier stuff, track down his match againt Jun Akiyama in 05
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Deano Machino has had that receding hairline since ECW, but it looks like it hasn't receded any further in 20 years.
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Watching g1 day 3... Time Warner sucks, and I have no Internet at home... So here's my live feed back..

Doc gallows vs Homma to start...  Wwe missed out so much on Gallows, Such a good big guy worker... Homma's trunks are awesome, Gallows facepaint, not so much... Homma's falling headbutts look great, even if he never hits them... Homma = Dolph... Very straight forward match, good, nothing special.. Very crisp... Doc with the chokeslam bomb FTW...

Lance tramp stamp Archer vs Karl Anderson is next... I haven't seen an Archer match in njpw... I love Machines Gun's work, if he was 3 inches taller, he'd be a star in WWE... Archer's Twitter is still LanceHoyt lol... Apparently Archer is known as American Psycho... Archer is a good seller but his offense doesn't look the part, but the crowd likes him... Archer hit a chokeslam, I hate how chokeslams and tombstones are transition moves in njpw, but I'm a Taker mark... Archer with the win... Weird finisher, imagine a crucifix PB set up, but the openent is facing the mat, not roof, somersault back bump for finish...

Matches are rapid fire... Tenzan VS Takahashi... I love Takahashi's playboy gimmick, seems like a real douche... Just noticed his music sounds like Big Val's, but might just be the sax... I hate how njpw mutes the feed for certain entrances, but understand why... I really wish I understood Japanese at this point lol... Hard hitting, strike based match... Tenzan is still a beast... The Japanese love their diving Headbutts, Tenzan with the miss... Tenzan with a cradle tombstone for a 2. .. and now the Anaconda Vice  and a tap out for the Tenzan win... Kind of a squash match.. takahashi had very little sustained offense

Sidenote... I wish njpw would change the concept a little. .. All single matches is a little hard to swallow, no DC... imo, they should have a 3 vs 3 and a 4 vs 4 match on the shows,.. Have the winners all receive points... Would diversify the cards some, and save the workers a little...

Shelton "X" Benjamin vs Ishii is next... Benjamin has been the surprise so far, defeating Bad Luck Fale, who's IC champ, and the the IC belt means a lot in njpw... Shelton getting baby face chants at the start... They're trading ankle locks, with each reversing...  Sick Germans by Shelton...  Shelton hits paydirt FTW.. I wonder if Benjamin wins this turny and breaks out...

I feel like Alex Greenfield... I need more Bourbon and ice cubes... And a repacked bowl...

Naito vs Toru Yano is next... Never seen Yano before... Naito looks like Jeremy Scott designed his outfit, and Yano is fat and sloppy looking... Just my observations lol...  Yano with the chairshot and Naito is busted open... Do they do Dq finishes in njpw lol?... Apparently the turnbuckle padding came off at some point and trading Irish whips into corner... Yano with an odd/cool looking powerbomb setup..trading power spots now, fun match... Naito with a corkscrew moonsault FTW.. Not blown away by either, but good crisp Match... Naito with the babyface, crowd slapping hands at the end...

Sidenote.. I love how americanized the crowd is.. So much easier to watch when a crowd is vocally intimate match... Especial when I have no clue what the commentators are saying... And these backstage interview, yeah no clue at all lol... Wait, he said AJ Styles, I understood that lol...

Nother Sidenote... I really think, that if njpw had quality English commentators, they'd be successful in America... The product is to good to ignore if it's presented in an "american" way... I don't think it'd take much besides a couple good commentators, and good, coherent translator, and am editor who understands American wants...

Longest break between matches so far... Davey boy Smith Jr vs Shibata is next... Apparently TAKA represents every American not in the Bullet Club lol didn't know that...  I like Shibata's work a lot... Davey boy has a Union Jack on his trunks, I think that is stupid begin belief.... He looks so much like his dad it's scary... Mma grappling by both to start, then strike trades... Db Jr with the Bautista bomb FTW... Blah match, no real high spots... Solid though, just like every njpw match...

Bad luck Fale vs Yuju Nagata is next.. . I don't really enjoy eithers' works if I'm honest... Yuju is limping real hard... Nagata moves really well for an old dude with a bad wheel... Nothing special or overly memberable 8 minutes in... Yuju is suplexing Fale around, which is impressive... Super Weak spear by Fale.. Looked more like a double leg takedown... Fale with the Border Toss FTW.. Match was much better than expected... Fale's finish looks great and scary at same time... Not shocked at outcome, no way Fale would loose two in a row...

Time for a refill of Bourbon and white widow...

Suzuki vs Goto  is next... Suzuki has a great entrance and music... And hair-do too.... Not sure what to expect out of this match... Goto should wear kneepads... everyone who wears trunks should rock kneepads, they looks so naked without them ,word to Cody... Suzuki with a nice rope hung cross arm breaker... Suzuki with a ring bell shot, no dq.... Suzuki with great heel taunts, HBK like lay down pose with leg exercises lol... Goto with modified roll up for win... Felt right at this point in turny... Fun back and forth till finish... Obviously holding out a lot...

Tanahashi Vs Kojima is up now... Should be a fun match... Kojima vs Tenzan stole night two... I think Tanahashi = Cena... Strong back and forth so far, though nothing special... Tanahashi with the high fly low FTW.. Entertaining match, nothing at all wrong with it...

Okada vs Makabe in the Main event of day 3...Rainmaker is my favorite in njpw right now... I do the Rainmaker pose constantly lol... Imagine TNA had him too.. Real hard hitting... Makabe has Rainmaker on outside, tossing into post and guardrail... Okada back in ring with air raid crash neckbreaker... Okada locks in mediocre Stf... Okada has the best Dropkick in the world, bar none... Makabe reverses the Rainmaker into his own lariat... Makabe hits a nice powerboat to knees with pin, gets two counts... Makabe hits a great spider German suplex, but misses king Kong knee off top... Okada with drop kick to back of head... Okada nails a German suplex, keeps grip, and rolls into Rainmaker for the win,.. Very good match...

This is the first njpw card I've watched front to back... very, very good... I've watched plenty going in, so not blown away... Felt like a good use of my 3 hours even if it's now 4am lol... Bulliet bourbon and herb help, I'm sure... I really wish I understood Japanese though... Crowd is hyped for the Gedo/Okada promo at end, but I have no clue.. Although I think the idea is he can beat AJ and get the IWGP HW title back...
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