Wrestling Thread Jul 14 - Aug 3 | 7/31 WWE Announces Network Subscriptions, Predict The #!

How many subscribers will WWE announce for the WWE Network?

  • 667,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 700,00

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 750,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 800,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 850,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 900,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 950,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1,000,000+

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Really sucks that Kurt is an alcoholic and addicted to painkillers now...watched some of his old matches last night and he is so freaking technically gifted. Feel like without all the substance dependency he has, he could legitimately make a wwe comeback
Listen to his interviews with James Ross. He has been clean for a minute now.
Listen to his interviews with James Ross. He has been clean for a minute now.
I remember him saying he was going to rehab, never really followed the story closely. I've caught a snippet of a recent one, but I'm glad he's doing well now...I hope for his, his family and wrestling as a sport's sake that he stays healthy and toxin free. He owes it to himself for the hell of an entertainer that he is. And wrestling needs no more dark shadows cast upon it. 
Took a friend to the ROH/NJPW show. She will glance at RAW with me sometime, but thinks it is too much talking. Said the ROH show was better than anything she ever saw from WWE. Appreciated the athleticism, speed, and the crowd.

But she loves Total Divas

I have "made" her watch some of my favorite matches. She liked Ibushi vs. Nakamura and Rey/Psychosis from BATB 96 and she loved every minute of it.

Backpage or CL??? How much you pay b? I need a wrestling "friend"
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Isn't angle's body broken to hell? People always posting that dude limps around when he's not wrestling. Good to hear he's cleaned up.


@Peep Game
I feel like Titus would be great with this New Nation stable. I like the guy, but once again WWE is wasting talent. After breaking up the PTP he's gone NOWHERE...
Sheesh that was good TV :lol:

WHAT IF SHAWN NEVER GOT HURT? One of the biggest questions I still have. Or what if it wasn't such a brutal injury.
If Shawn is still there in the main event picture maybe only 2 out of Rock, Austin, and HHH become huge stars. Less room in the main event for them to grow and shine if he's there.
Probably HHH gets stunted because Austin was already established and Rock was developing ahead of HHH at the time. He might have stayed Shawn side kick for a lot longer. New age outlaws don't ever get a big as they were. Neither does x pac. Because without shawns injury DX doesn't expand. And in turn maybe the tag division which for a time was based around NAO never grows to include the dudleys, hardys, and edge and Christian. Which means no TLC etc etc. It's crazy how much of the attitude era can be traced to young new stars stepping up to replace Shawn and Bret.
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We talked about it a few months ago. Dude was a major jerk and destructive. Might be in bad shape or dead if he didn't get injured. Meeting his wife and finding god saved him.
I heard shawn and the rock hated each other because when shawn was a jerk to the rocks grandmother when he wrestled for her fed.
Shawn getting injured was best for business and if he kept going the way he did in the late 90s, he'd probably be dead by now. So in the end, it was a good thing he got injured.
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