Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

Ready for the Fight Singapore's first pro-wrestling group is winning new converts thanks to its young fighters and cheeky style. Half sport, half show, the matches are staged every two months. : www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/news/culturesports/20151102.html

Kinda Cool. 4 Min video here
 I feel like SD is a waste of time because you see the same exact match on RAW with the same spots.
 I feel like SD is a waste of time because you see the same exact match on RAW with the same spots.
It would be slightly better cause I get to hear my man Mauro Ranallo but then it cancels it out cause I have to hear king :x

King sounds like he's trying to be a heel, while talking in a "pleasant" voice. He's terrible and has been for years. During the Kalisto/Neville match, he was trying to come up with reasons as to why he's not a fan of Kalisto, and could come up with nothing at all
King sounds like he's trying to be a heel, while talking in a "pleasant" voice. He's terrible and has been for years. During the Kalisto/Neville match, he was trying to come up with reasons as to why he's not a fan of Kalisto, and could come up with nothing at all

He needs to be relegated to ONLY doing pre shows or just commentating "Superstars" with Todd Grisham
Bray shouldn't be in this match man. He should let his lackies fight for him. Where Strowman at
I smell a stench i havent smelled in years in here. It smells similar to 4wrestling after a day with his cats. It cant be....
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