Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

Neville's the breakout star of the year, yet I don't remember at all what feuds he had outside of Stardust, which was hardly a feud in the first place.

Forgot what this new commentator's name is, but he sounds real old school, sort of dig it.
Neville's the breakout star of the year, yet I don't remember at all what feuds he had outside of Stardust, which was hardly a feud in the first place.

Forgot what this new commentator's name is, but he sounds real old school, sort of dig it.

Mauro Ranallo is great
Neville's the breakout star of the year, yet I don't remember at all what feuds he had outside of Stardust, which was hardly a feud in the first place.

Forgot what this new commentator's name is, but he sounds real old school, sort of dig it.
He had that great match vs seth. The opening to raw for the title. He feuded with KO for a little.
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 Cornette going OFF again. Called that man "Felix"

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[thread="643012"]:lol:  Man this fool @mauroranallo REALLY has some Twitter fingers. This man RT's EVERYTHING man. Worse than Hogan.[/thread]

Damn you're right, I went to his page and there's constant new notifications :lol: definitely a pretty good commentator though. The fact he actually calls moves is great. Wonder how long it'll take before Vince has him going "OH MY!!!" and "THERE IT IS!!"

Neville's the breakout star of the year, yet I don't remember at all what feuds he had outside of Stardust, which was hardly a feud in the first place.

Forgot what this new commentator's name is, but he sounds real old school, sort of dig it.
He had that great match vs seth. The opening to raw for the title. He feuded with KO for a little.

Definitely remember those matches, but was him and KO an actual feud though? I legit can't remember.

That was a good tease of a match between Neville and Kalisto. Hope they can eventually get a big match and not just trade wins for a month.
Damn you're right, I went to his page and there's constant new notifications
definitely a pretty good commentator though. The fact he actually calls moves is great. Wonder how long it'll take before Vince has 
I am in here dying man. I might have to stop following him. That is my man and all but he is OC
I enjoyed LU last night.

This... It's such a good "traditional" wrestling show at it's core amazingly enough :lol:... It gives you one hour a week, it builds up rivalries building to big blowoffs, it shows you enough to be hooked, but constantly leaves you wanting more... You want to tune in the next week... As untraditional of wrestling show as it is, it has traditional roots...

Neville just had good matches last year. Seth,Ko,and Cena.

Neville = Jerry Lynn

Flat out amazing worker that is so good he'll always be over to an extent with the crowd because he do things no one else can... But also amazingly bland character and lacks the type of charisma to get past a certain point...

And yes Lynn had a good run in ECW and did show good fire and personality... But I credit Heyman for a lot fur it because Heyman...
They ALWAYS waste things like that on SD....why not save it for fast lane or something.... This crowd sucks.
WM LoneStar prediction for Main Event...

Ambrose (& SCSA) vs Reigns (& Rocky) vs Shovel (& VKM/Steph)

Ambrose wins in some sorta shenanigans, but with Talent involved sure to be hot.... Reigns turns heel in Dallas by beating the **** outta SCSA & Rock...
I enjoyed LU last night.

This... It's such a good "traditional" wrestling show at it's core amazingly enough :lol:... It gives you one hour a week, it builds up rivalries building to big blowoffs, it shows you enough to be hooked, but constantly leaves you wanting more... You want to tune in the next week... As untraditional of wrestling show as it is, it has traditional roots...

100% same sentiments. 1 hour a week and they get every single thing right. Nothing felt like a waste at all.

Was that a botch
Yea, he was going for that Moonsault DDT

I thought he was going for it just because i know what his set-up is for all his matches, but that was either a great cover-up, or great editing :lol: cause it actually did look like a turnbuckle Pele kick (which was thankfully called)

They ALWAYS waste things like that on SD....why not save it for fast lane or something.... This crowd sucks.

Ditto. I dig Social Outcasts and all, but you can't waste a big move like that on a random SD against that crew.
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