Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

Did anyone else think AJ was going to pull out the Spiral Tap when he climbed and missed that Frog Splash?

Fell asleep during RAW. Is the New day/Rock segment worth it?
Was expecting a 450.

To prevent injury, why won't AJ just jump higher on the Styles Clash?

Reminds me of when he posted the G1 spoilers in the thread title :lol:.
Forgot about that. Smh. He did that to piss folks off then he played dumb about it. That was funny.
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That doesn't even include the guys who took it wrong in TNA. Somebody's next got folded in half and I'm surprised it didn't break :x can't remember who they were, but I want to say Chris Daniels too a bad one

The Chris Daniels vs AJ matches were awesome, back when TNA was worth a watch.
Forgot about that. Smh. He did that to piss folks off then he played dumb about it. That was funny.
I didn't even care about that show, but didn't understand why he felt the need to put spoilers in the title. Looking back on it now, it's definitely pretty funny :lol:
Anyone else find the Usos to be bland, character wise? They're solid workers but why am I supposed to care about them outside of that?
For sure. They are the super-face team though. Don't quite know what else they can do...
Reading the conversation about AJ and Nakamura, all I will say is some of yall are stuck in your bubbles and think people operate the same way you do. Casual Wrestling fans MUST use the internet to look up wrestling related news? But I won't beat a dead horse. We will just agree to disagree man.
To prevent injury, why won't AJ just jump higher on the Styles Clash?
It's also up to the opponent to tuck their head in between AJs legs for protection ala tombstone. 

Plus AJ is a short dude. Jumping that high is pretty difficult

Physics bruh. physics 
Reading the conversation about AJ and Nakamura, all I will say is some of yall are stuck in your bubbles and think people operate the same way you do. Casual Wrestling fans MUST use the internet to look up wrestling related news? But I won't beat a dead horse. We will just agree to disagree man.
I would venture to say that I'm a pretty big wrestling fan, as I do take time out of my day to post on a wrestling thread on a sneaker website, but it took me a while to even get into NXT. I just don't have the desire to watch a product that is in a different language like NJPW or something with terrible quality of production like ROH. If it weren't for you guys in here, I would have no clue who Nakamura or some of the ROH guys are. However, I could tell you whatever you wanted to know about WWE. I would imagine the casual wrestling fan is more similar to me, sans the whole posting on NTWT thing :lol:
I love NJPW. I was liking Nakamura before a lot of you in here got hip to him. 

But you're bat **** crazy if you think the casual viewer knows who he is. 
I think you guys are underestimating this Social Media Era we are living in. There's no way at this point that the majority of casual fans haven't come across the AJ Styles & Nakamura's of the world especially with Twitter. All the other marks of the world live tweeting about the Wrestling Kingdom show you marks loved. All it takes is one click of the button nowadays.
I think you guys are underestimating this Social Media Era we are living in. There's no way at this point that the majority of casual fans haven't come across the AJ Styles & Nakamura's of the world especially with Twitter. All the other marks of the world live tweeting about the Wrestling Kingdom show you marks loved. All it takes is one click of the button nowadays.
As a casual fan

and a twitter ***** (think I have like 95k+ tweets now or something)

I can honestly say that I have seen the names only on NTWT

When they all signed to WWE a few weeks ago, that was the first time I saw those names come across my TL

And as a casual fan, i still didnt care enough to look up their history

Only matches Ive saw were the ones posted in here when I asked who they were

TLDR.... you giving the casual wrestling fan in 2016 too much benefit of the doubt
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Guess who didn't like the finish of the Royal Rumble. 4/10.

BH: I wasn’t that impressed with it. I thought it was one of the least exciting ones I’ve ever watched. I just didn’t find it very exciting. I found it very predictable. When all of the guys came out and ganged up on Roman Reigns I knew that he was going to come back out later. It was just so easy to figure out. It was not suspenseful. Some of the guys I thought were doing really well in it. I was glad they were in it. Like AJ Styles and Kevin Owens but they seemed to get dumped out. Even Big Show and Mark Henry… a lot of guys just got thrown out like they didn’t mean anything. I think any time you have a Royal Rumble and you have a guy as big as the Big Show and you just throw him out it just doesn’t mean as much as it should. The legitimacy of wrestling. You have to have some logic and common sense in it. The whole ending was… even when it got down to the last four guys I was surprised that they were the four guys. That they would pin the whole hopes of WrestleMania on the hopes of these four guys. Or two of them anyway. I didn’t like the decision that Triple H, surprise, put the belt on himself again. It just seemed like it just showed a real lack of imagination if you ask me.
I did use to watch RoH though when I was in school in Buffalo bc every Sunday at 11pm on FOX, they would play ROH. Found it by accident.

Back home in NYC, I dont know of any channels that air it so I havent seen it since

That really is the only reason why I knew about Kevin Steen before he signed on  
I think you guys are underestimating this Social Media Era we are living in. There's no way at this point that the majority of casual fans haven't come across the AJ Styles & Nakamura's of the world especially with Twitter. All the other marks of the world live tweeting about the Wrestling Kingdom show you marks loved. All it takes is one click of the button nowadays.

Prime example. My homie iHustle doesn't live under a rock. And just a few weeks ago he asked who Nakamura was and if someone could point him in the direction of a matcj
Bret isn't wrong tho.

And this isn't me being a mark, because TBH I haven't really watched many AJ Styles matches to be considered a real fan of his (at the moment, at least) but imagine they went balls in and let him win the whole thing; on some ANYTHING can happen steez in the Rumble. Crowd would have loved it for one, and the product would have a huge shake up to it that it desperately needs. The rest of the roster would now have to chase this guy who was with the company for 30-min worth of work, which storyline wise would anger them all and keep them hungry.
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Those videos blocked at work....I imagine it's AJ doing the styles clash

Anyways, the whole allure of the styles clash in the first place is that dudes were breaking their necks over in NJPW. It looks cool. Other than that how does it say any more damage then let's say a body slam
I think you guys are underestimating this Social Media Era we are living in. There's no way at this point that the majority of casual fans haven't come across the AJ Styles & Nakamura's of the world especially with Twitter. All the other marks of the world live tweeting about the Wrestling Kingdom show you marks loved. All it takes is one click of the button nowadays.
You fail to realize that Twitter is basically broken up into their own little cities.

For example. I can be a HUGE basketball fan and follow other basketball fans but am not exposed to Basketball Analytics dudes on Twitter.

I can be a huge fan of rap, and not follow anyone that would expose me to underground talent.

Just like I could be a huge wrestling fan, follow other wrestling fans and not be exposed to people talking about Wrestle KIngdom on my timeline.

There are so many sub-pockets of twitter that simply following people that like the same "topic" isn't enough to be fully exposed to everything (especially the hardcore aspect of it) of that "topic."

It is really that simple man
People want these NJPW to be recognizable so it gives them a glimmer of hope that the WWE won't turn them into jobbers.

Let it go fellas, they belong to the game now. Literally.
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