Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

Did Jericho just leave Mr. Belding hanging on a handshake?..PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by StillIn729

so I guess DB is turning heel?  I think he'd be a great heel 

I agree, but as a heel, his size is going to be a major roadblock.  A heel Daniel Bryan and face Big Show just doesn't work for a program imo.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It does if they really really push his wrestling and submissions... all Bret Hart worked with was Shawn and everyone else that was Huge compared to him.[/color]
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Daniel Bryan is seriously the best performer in WWE.  His mic skills and emotions are awesome.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Been saying this for i don't know how long. Finally someone comes around and say the same thing. Guy is pure gold. For sure Number 1 in my Fav 5.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]botched pyro botches. [/color]
Lol @ the WHOLE heel team getting the jobber treatment AND jeritrolls music still on lol.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Daniel Bryan is seriously the best performer in WWE.  His mic skills and emotions are awesome.
Bryan > NT's golden boy Ziggler

And I @$+! with Ziggler too. (pause)
Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Been saying this for i don't know how long. Finally someone comes around and say the same thing. Guy is pure gold. For sure Number 1 in my Fav 5.[/color]
I was saying Bryan was top 5 wrestler in the company back when he was on NXT.
I wish Jericho would go back to wearing full length tights..Or maybe a sleeveless outfit like what MVP wears..
Punk, D Bry, Jericho.... seriously a Dream Team.
Strange pairing though, as you have Punk (face), Bryan who is a tweener that fans have already turned on, and Jericho who is a heel but fans cheer for.
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