Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

Ryder casually kicking out the 2nd time of what's really Swagger's original finisher isn't nearly as
bad as when Edge basically no-sold a Vader Powerbomb and pinned him after the weakest Downward Spiral ever
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

One of the worst�segments�in Raw history. �I can't believe they're making us relive this. �I guess since it got such a bad rating, they figured no one saw it last week anyway.

First of let me apologize ahead of time for quoting you great one. I beg for your future forgiveness.
But the worst segment?!?�

The JR segments were terrible, and there have been a ton of terrible segments in the history of Raw.  But a lot of the time, they were meant to be comedy (or at least to humiliate someone).  The Kane/Ryder/Cena thing is your main event storyline.  Not only was it terrible, but it had people turning off Raw in record numbers.
But it took 3 finishers for Swagger to do that?

Anyways. All american american united states champion.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Deck is stacked against my boy Ryder tonight.

i'm kind of with 4w with him losing it though. I've never been much of a fan and aside from the "underdog internet sensation" story, i just see him as a novelty that doesn't have enough to get more than a Santino Marella rub.
I think you are 110% wrong and he has a really bright future
Originally Posted by theDEEK

But it took 3 finishers for Swagger to do that?

Anyways. All american american united states champion.
Wait, that was for the title? wooooooow
They may never latch on to a self-made "youtube sensation" again
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

The thing i like about swagger is that he has his own unique wrestling "style" alot of guys if u put them on a robot u couldnt tell who it was untill they starting using there signiture moves but him he doesent really wrestle like the normal wwe wrestler

That's what I like about him too. He doesn't have the generic FCW moveset and actually stands out. He's buns/boring during promos though.
Constant work with Dolph & Vickie could improve that, even though he's been with them for the longest anyway...
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Deck is stacked against my boy Ryder tonight.

i'm kind of with 4w with him losing it though. I've never been much of a fan and aside from the "underdog internet sensation" story, i just see him as a novelty that doesn't have enough to get more than a Santino Marella rub.
I think you are 110% wrong and he has a really bright future
This. Zack will be big in 2012.

Good for Swagger
Great, logical, booking.

Like I said, I believe Zack is best as an underdog. This title loss is likely a blessing in disguise. I really liked Zack's little glimpse of intensity right there. Very Kurt Angle-esque. It took a lot to take him out. So, I'm all about what happened.

Very interested in seeing where this angle goes.

Sidenote- I'm ready to admit I made a bad call about A-Ry. #@+% that guy.
Originally Posted by theDEEK

But it took 3 finishers for Swagger to do that?

Anyways. All american american united states champion.
Seriously.  A dude with injured ribs kicks out of two gutwrench powerbombs?  I don't know the point of this was if Ryder isn't going to come back and win the match.  It should have either been... Swagger pins him clean after the 1st powerbomb; Swagger hits 3 powerbombs in a row and makes the pin after the 3rd powerbomb; or Swagger kicks out of the first two and comes back to steal the win.
I don't think they are going to give Ryder a "fighting champion" gimmick from this, and if anything, it just made Swagger look like he couldn't finish an injured guy.
Thwagga with the win nice hopefully this is a positive sign of things to come for him.

Vicki needs to have a stable...

LOL "my bad"

LOL LOL LOL "shut your mouth"

this dude getting boo'd
I don't understand what the point of Eve making a deal of going to the ring with Zack Ryder was if she wasn't even going to lift a finger in his title defense as well.
"Shut Your Mouth!"

Laurinaitis is

 @ no one giving a *!%# about Perez Hilton.
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