Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by Mcflyy

I read Perez Hilton is suppose to be on raw tonight as ring announcer for the divas match...

it's true... oh it's damn true.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Has BKMac been drinkin all weekend? anyone seen that guy? hope he's not dead in a ditch with some coyote licking the blood dripping down his forehead while four little kids come walking by wanting to see a dead body and poke him with a stick while his mom is back at home drinking a martini, singing Free Bird and the girl he's been stalking is banging both of his "best friends" while his father snorts cocaine so he can forget the mistake of his son not being swallowed and ruining his life by not being able to to live his dream in the pro bull riding circuit or anything.[/color]
Dear NTWT Galaxy,
If you have seen or have any clues as to bkmac's whereabouts, please send them in to NTWT. Please send all tips and clues to the following address:

Attn: The Mailroom
55-59 Know Your Troll Avenue
Parts Unknown, NY

Any information would appreciated. We have an elite team of NTWT Superstars leading this investigation, mason.support and chino.
Thank you for your cooperation, we hope to find our friend, bkmac, very soon.

Codpeace be with you,
Je Ne Sais Quoi
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

No idea what the Slim Jim story is. Basically, at the time Savage left for WCW, Vince thought Savage was done as a performer and wanted him to be an announcer. Savage wanted to keep wrestling. WWF actually offered him a good amount of money to stay, but WCW either came close or matched the offer, so Savage left. Vince felt betrayed by Savage. That's the story I've heard.

And then Savage made mutli-millions in WCW once they started giving out their ridiculous contracts that eventually put them out of business.

that's the ONLY story you've heard.... i don't think so.

Originally Posted by YardFather

60 pages?

Not bad for a non PPV week.

Credit to the Funkasaurus.
No... he is two pages... the rest you can give credit to me and my NTRR opponent. We all know where the ratings come from.

dukes are pissed that we pulled 'Rock: This is Your Life!' numbers
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Dear NTWT Galaxy,
If you have seen or have any clues as to bkmac's whereabouts, please send them in to NTWT. Please send all tips and clues to the following address:

Attn: The Mailroom
55-59 Know Your Troll Avenue
Parts Unknown, NY

Any information would appreciated. We have an elite team of NTWT Superstars leading this investigation, mason.support and chino.
Thank you for your cooperation, we hope to find our friend, bkmac, very soon.

Codpeace be with you,
Je Ne Sais Quoi
You forgot to give them the number to the 24 hour hotline- 1-800-Jabroni
I'm also looking for ideas on a website where people can drop tips to NTWE on where they think they have seen bkmac.


Thank you for listening...
I knew this was gonna happen..I knew that once bkmac stepped foot in the ring with me things would change..But even I had no idea that the beating I gave him would make him end up on the side of a milk carton..

Wherever you are bkmac just know this..YOU STILL SUCK AND YOU'RE STILL BORING AS F;%K..Beat me if you can, survive if I let you!!
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Not too sure. Don't remember much about the WCW DVD except that they burried Double J six feet below.

Oh &@^# I haven't seen the complete dvd set, but they just went in on Jarrett, that's messed up. I always thought he was pretty underrated.

Underrated?! Jeff Jarrett has always sucked the life out of any show he's been on. He never deserved any type of push as he was the only one who was 100% sold on himself. He was absolutely awful as an Intercontinental, European and Tag Team Champion in the old WWF and a complete joke as WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He's always been hated because he never deserved to be where he was. Thank the lord that Vince McMahon was smart enough to keep that guy far away from his World Title. Everyone he worked with was always more over than him From Razor to Road Dogg and the only time I ever rooted for HBK was when he took the IC title from him. TNA will never matter because it's anchored by a bunch of WCW leftovers that Vince doesn't want. (+ Sting) J-E-Double-F, J-A-Double-R, E-Double-T ain't never been great.. 

There's so many good new Jericho gifs and pictures from the last two weeks of RAW.

It's too bad bkmac hasn't been around to use them.

Speaking of Jericho, I wonder what will be his next step in troll-age tonight.
I'm not sure if I want Jeritroll to speak tonight or not..If he doesnt talk he needs to do something besides what he's done for the last 2 episodes..Find a new way to stay quiet and troll at the same time..If anyone can do it, it's him..
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

No idea what the Slim Jim story is. Basically, at the time Savage left for WCW, Vince thought Savage was done as a performer and wanted him to be an announcer. Savage wanted to keep wrestling. WWF actually offered him a good amount of money to stay, but WCW either came close or matched the offer, so Savage left. Vince felt betrayed by Savage. That's the story I've heard.

And then Savage made mutli-millions in WCW once they started giving out their ridiculous contracts that eventually put them out of business.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that's the ONLY story you've heard.... i don't think so.[/color]
Everyone knows the other rumor which eventually blackballed Savage from WWE.  This is the true story of what went on during his contract negotiations in 1994.
Haven't heard this.... quick explanation?
Originally Posted by casekicks

I knew this was gonna happen..I knew that once bkmac stepped foot in the ring with me things would change..But even I had no idea that the beating I gave him would make him end up on the side of a milk carton..

Wherever you are bkmac just know this..YOU STILL SUCK AND YOU'RE STILL BORING AS F;%K..Beat me if you can, survive if I let you!!
Ok, 2 things:
1) Who's bkmac?

2) Did he actually face you at NTSupershow? I thought you were in the ring by yourself.
Originally Posted by fearthenut

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that's the ONLY story you've heard.... i don't think so.[/color]
Everyone knows the other rumor which eventually blackballed Savage from WWE.  This is the true story of what went on during his contract negotiations in 1994.
Haven't heard this.... quick explanation?
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Did he actually face you at NTSupershow? I thought you were in the ring by yourself.
That was a match?
I thought casekicks was either doing some weird contemporary dance exhibition or auditioning to be in NTWT's Nitro Girls team with cubano.
Confusion, utter confusion.
dont overdo it with the damn supershows.

Some of you are just gonna have to deal with that fact you'll never get over.

its just like real life Dubya Dubya eeeh!
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by casekicks

I knew this was gonna happen..I knew that once bkmac stepped foot in the ring with me things would change..But even I had no idea that the beating I gave him would make him end up on the side of a milk carton..

Wherever you are bkmac just know this..YOU STILL SUCK AND YOU'RE STILL BORING AS F;%K..Beat me if you can, survive if I let you!!
Ok, 2 things:
1) Who's bkmac?

2) Did he actually face you at NTSupershow? I thought you were in the ring by yourself.

I know it seemed like I was in there by myself, but I wasnt..See what had happened was I was in the ring giving a demo on how to do submission moves with my Jeritroll Wrestling Buddy..And when I, voluntarily, laid face down on the mat to take a rest, some douche from the crowd jumped the railing and ran into the ring and applied some weird move on me that was totally weak..I was ordered by the COO, who was at ringside for my demo, to tap and make the above mentioned douche feel like he won so security could tackle him and take him out back..As he was getting dragged away we could hear him yell "bkmac, bkmac, bkmac"..At first we thought he was promoting a Burger King x McDonald's colabo but then realized he was saying his name in an overtly cheap way to get over..So that was the last anyone saw of this "bkmac" character..It's sad really..
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by fearthenut

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Everyone knows the other rumor which eventually blackballed Savage from WWE.  This is the true story of what went on during his contract negotiations in 1994.
Haven't heard this.... quick explanation?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You need a MUCH younger picture without the twins she paid for.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Long running story is Macho Man gave his Slim Jim to a 14 year old Stephanie McMahon... [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Plenty of people have left, multiple times, and have came back. Warrior came back after holding the company hostage at a PPV... you cannot convince me the only reason vince hated MMRS because of a contact situation.[/color]
I don't believe the Savage/Steph rumor.

Every story I've heard about Savage is that he was MAD(NESS)LY in love with Liz. To the point where he was incredibly paranoid whenever she would even speak to another man.
I don't think the MM/Steph thing is true either..I mean how could dude rape a 14 year old girl and get away with it?..I can't see VKM just sitting on his hands and not do something to get MM locked up..
We should really stick to Supershow Thursdays.
Too many and toine's arms will give out carrying my bags from show to show.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i don't care either way. all i know is it's been said for a very long while now and not once has Stephanie said that is completely false. All i know.[/color]
^Yeah don't you think Vince would've at least murdered Savage and not just said "Oh you had sex with my 14 year old daughter? Ok you can't come back to the WWF"
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]he's dead isn't he??[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]eh... that is a good point yf. with what we Do know about vinny mac, he's nuts and would have done something about it. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]on another note i just saw there is another Super Show...[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Listen people, the reason everyone has so much fun with this is because the market isn't flooded. Super shows should be a twice a month thing, one for the main carders and the second for the curtain jerkers/rookies, with there being 4 main ppvs. Story lines build better, as well as the anticipation for the ppvs are much higher. Im juss sayin.[/color]
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