Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

We hardly knew ye...
Spoiler [+]

And here I was thinking the [club] blatant disrespect [/club] for bkmac couldn't get any worse.

And Ninong.........
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]seriously... can you guys take a second. pay respects or laugh at bkmac picture and play his burial song. thank you.[/color]

So my quick nap after getting back from the Sixers game this afternoon turned into a long snooze, and now it's 20 minutes until Raw.  Sorry guys.  Since there is no PPV this week and a ton of NTWT stuff in this thread, we'll carry it over for the week.

We will get the Royal Rumble pools set up this week.  There will be two pools.  One for the main 30 members of the NTWT.  A second with open registration for any other 30 members of NT.

For Raw tonight:

  • We will see what is next for Jericho tonight.  At this point, I am hearing the plan is for him to not speak until The Royal Rumble.  We'll see how they pull it off.  Jericho has been cheered the past two weeks.  If he's silent again tonight, I have to think the crowd turns on him rather quickly.
  • Epico and Primo won the tag team titles last night at a house show.  I would say Evan Bourne's WWE career is in major jeopardy at this point.
  • Perez Hilton is the guest host for tonight's show.  He'll be doing something for the Divas match.
  • We'll continue the awful Kane/Cena storyline.
  • Is Zack Ryder alive?  Was he sent to hell?  Has he learned how to change a tire?  Will he try replacing a spark plug this week?  We shall see what's in store next for this loser.
  • Speaking of losers, let's see how they can embarrass/bury The Miz this week.  And how R-Truth will act like a moron.
  • CM Punk will be defending his WWE Title against Dolph Ziggler at The Royal Rumble with Big Johnny as ref.
  • Randy Orton was originally scheduled to return on tonight's show.  Then he was pulled, although he is supposed to work house shows this week.  So it may just be WWE wants his return to be a surprise.  I still find it crazy that he would return so quickly from a herniated disc.
  • We'll see if they do anything with Bryan/Show/Henry on Raw tonight.  Bryan is supposed to face Henry on Smackdown this week.  The plan of course is for Bryan vs Show vs Henry at The Rumble.
I hope they have something of importance actually planned for Mick. His return has been a huge waste so far.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I hope they have something of importance actually planned for Mick. His return has been a huge waste so far.

as great as another foley run would be, i highly doubt they will. 
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