Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

WWE is doing away with one of the Oct PPVs. They will keep the Hell in a Cell show, I just don't know if they are removing Oct 7 or Oct 28 PPV date.
Here's what I think about that:
Spoiler [+]
That's Rosita in that spoiler right?

And Aqua, I just downloaded your TMNT Arena 5 times, so the trophy should pop the next time you try to access Community Creations.
-- ESPN's financial expert Michele Steele says that WWE has stated that John Cena was worth $106 million dollars in retail value in 2010.

When is tonight's Supershow? Because I may not be around to post for it (but I can view on my iPhone). Not that it matters, you all ignore me anyway.

Earlier in broadcast:
Spoiler [+]
What have I become...

...constant losing...

...competitors not seeing me as a threat...

...fans have forsaken me...


...I've forgotten something...

...something that I threw away...



...what was it...






...I remember.


[JNSQ walks down ramp with very thick, black trunks on and enters ring with a mic]

Terrible gimmicks all around.
We have NTWT Superstars trying their hardest to come up with a gimmick.
Toine's Caribbean Coconut Corner?
Club's Clubhouse?
Tennhouse's Full House?
4w's Cat Scratch Jamboree?
YardFather's Yard...now serving milkshakes, all boys welcome?
But none of them...NONE OF THEM...compares to the absurdity of...
See bkmac, you are terrible.
Now, I'm from Queens, not Brooklyn...but even I've got to say, "Son, you a burger."
Aren't you tired of all the fans chanting, "Bur-Ger-King!, Bur-Ger-King!, Bur-Ger-King!"

[Bur-Ger-King chants begin to flood arena, then Mong-Go-Loid chants follow]

Please bkmac, I'm trying to help your simple mind.
Decide not to face me tonight at the SUPERSHOW and ultimately forfeit your competition at our Triple Threat NTercontinental match...
or suffer the pain inflicted by...

[JNSQ pulls off black codpiece cover to unveil a new, improved, platinum chainmail codpiece]

The choice is yours to make.

4w is doing unthinkable things to himself in front of his scared, confused cats.
Spoiler [+]








Its still a travesty that im not in the Ntercontinental Title match im being looked over for talentless nobodys who couldnt lace my boots, but its ok my day will be here soon. So when that time hits and im standing above whoever is holding the belt at that time i want you to remember just one thing The House Always Wins........
I am your NTWE United States Champion, the Deek.

Recently I've taken a very well deserved vacation from the action around here as I have won myself a championship and I have earned a break. Not a fatigue induced break from beating those jobbers for my belt, but a break from the severe lack of competition that plagues the NTWE. Here we have the top dog of our industry, 4wrestling, as World Heavyweight champion! Him? He couldn't even lift a finger to help team Raw fight to victory at NTSeries. It was obvious to me before and it's obvious to all of you now that I should have been declared leader of that team of mediocrity. We would have swept the nobodies of team NTdown with ease under my command.

It's a travesty that you had the talents of the Most Must See NTWE United States Champion at your helm and you let the crazy cat lady take command. And now? Now he's defending against an aging, withering, afterthought like himself in Yardfather? It makes me sick.

I am the premiere talent in the NTWE! I am the one who will take this company to new heights! I am the one who should be getting title shots!

But I guess that will come another day, for now, my sights are set on successfully defending my beautifully polished and prestigious belt against the only man in this industry who I've come to see as a threat to my reign, Peep_Game. Peep_game, you and I seem to be cut from the same cloth of immensely infinite talent, and I almost even see us as equals. It's a long road to the top, but unfortunately for you, you're going to have to be my stepping stone. It's nothing personal, it's just that you should have challenged the NTcontinental title instead if you wanted to actually win something.

Once I defeat you and those horrendously untalented teammates of yours (and believe me, know about untalented teammates. Just look at the Marty Jannetty of my tag team, TennHouse2) tonight at the supershow, I will give you a chance to forfeit the match and save yourself the beating I will reluctantly have to give you at the Rumble.

Your NTWE United States Champion has spoken.
Spoiler [+]
im that one wrote:
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by bkmac

When is tonight's Supershow? Because I may not be around to post for it (but I can view on my iPhone).



Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Earlier in broadcast:
Spoiler [+]
What have I become...

...constant losing...

...competitors not seeing me as a threat...

...fans have forsaken me...


...I've forgotten something...

...something that I threw away...



...what was it...






...I remember.


[JNSQ walks down ramp with very thick, black trunks on and enters ring with a mic]

Terrible gimmicks all around.
We have NTWT Superstars trying their hardest to come up with a gimmick.
Toine's Caribbean Coconut Corner?
Club's Clubhouse?
Tennhouse's Full House?
4w's Cat Scratch Jamboree?
YardFather's Yard...now serving milkshakes, all boys welcome?
But none of them...NONE OF THEM...compares to the absurdity of...
See bkmac, you are terrible.
Now, I'm from Queens, not Brooklyn...but even I've got to say, "Son, you a burger."
Aren't you tired of all the fans chanting, "Bur-Ger-King!, Bur-Ger-King!, Bur-Ger-King!"

[Bur-Ger-King chants begin to flood arena, then Mong-Go-Loid chants follow]

Please bkmac, I'm trying to help your simple mind.
Decide not to face me tonight at the SUPERSHOW and ultimately forfeit your competition at our Triple Threat NTercontinental match...
or suffer the pain inflicted by...

[JNSQ pulls off black codpiece cover to unveil a new, improved, platinum chainmail codpiece]

The choice is yours to make.

*Lights go out in the arena*


*Walks to the ring*


Look at me America. I'm here to stay!


I wanted to be quiet for weeks, I really did. I didn't want to have to waste my breath and beautiful vocal cords for all you munchnugget haters. No, I don't have a Fozzy tour coming up. I'm BACK... BAYBAY!!!! NTWE, I am here to stay, so grab a chair, beer, a cat to stroke, or even a ball to play with. And by ball, I'm talking to you JNSQ.

You see, I understand you, and the rest of the federation for that matter, hate on me because it's the cool thing to do. It doesn't get to me on bit. Call me lame. Call me a bore. In the last PPV, I held my own in two matches that night. Two. Two is a sensitive number for you, isn't it JNSQ? How does it feel to have one testicle? One, solo, uno. U-no Testicle! Chant it with me!

*Crowd begins to follow, chant, and point at JNSQ "He's got one nut!" clap clap clap clap clap "He's got one nut!"

You see. I am not going to back down, from you, or anyone. Tonight on the Supershow, we will have a match. And I will win. All my Jeriholics out there will drink in the win with me. We are going to rock 'n roll, take a stroll, maybe bowl (who knows, I don't know if we'll have enough time... *breaks kayfabe, QUICK. WHAT MOVIE!?*). One thing is for certain. Tonight, I pick up my first win in my NTWT career.

In fact, I am so confident, I am already looking past tonight.


I am focused on NT Rumble, whenever that may happen. I have more faith in Johnny 'Funkhouser' Laurinaitis getting the PPV together quicker than GHIMS will.

That night, I will be crowned the NT I.C. Champion. And hopefully I will also have a spot in the Battle Royal, where I will win, and headline NT Mania II.

Y2J. Year .2012. Jeribkmac. To pay homage to one of the best stable of all time, DX... If you ain't down with that, I got a few words for 'yah!

Spoiler [+]
Was Chyna actually a man?

See you ladies later tonight.

*Exits ring, walks to the back to lace up with his match against the One-Ball Band JNSQ.

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

 4w is doing unthinkable things to himself in front of his scared, confused cats.
Never forget......

I miss Funkdoc. He was much more entertaining than you geeks, including his strange fetish with ratface Christy Hemme.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Didn't know they showed Rape on SpikeTV..[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Lobo - I 100% agree and have been saying that even before the recent change... You have 50 different wrestlers and if you close your eyes when they walk out, 40 of them you wouldn't know who is walking out. Trash all sounds like the same nickleback song.[/color]
Originally Posted by toine2983

That's Rosita in that spoiler right?

And Aqua, I just downloaded your TMNT Arena 5 times, so the trophy should pop the next time you try to access Community Creations.
D Bry does have a great theme.

Who remembers when his ROH theme was The Final Countdown because he wanted to have the worst theme ever? lulz
Originally Posted by bkmac

Spoiler [+]
im that one wrote:
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by bkmac

When is tonight's Supershow? Because I may not be around to post for it (but I can view on my iPhone).



Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Earlier in broadcast:
Spoiler [+]
What have I become...

...constant losing...

...competitors not seeing me as a threat...

...fans have forsaken me...


...I've forgotten something...

...something that I threw away...



...what was it...






...I remember.


[JNSQ walks down ramp with very thick, black trunks on and enters ring with a mic]

Terrible gimmicks all around.
We have NTWT Superstars trying their hardest to come up with a gimmick.
Toine's Caribbean Coconut Corner?
Club's Clubhouse?
Tennhouse's Full House?
4w's Cat Scratch Jamboree?
YardFather's Yard...now serving milkshakes, all boys welcome?
But none of them...NONE OF THEM...compares to the absurdity of...
See bkmac, you are terrible.
Now, I'm from Queens, not Brooklyn...but even I've got to say, "Son, you a burger."
Aren't you tired of all the fans chanting, "Bur-Ger-King!, Bur-Ger-King!, Bur-Ger-King!"

[Bur-Ger-King chants begin to flood arena, then Mong-Go-Loid chants follow]

Please bkmac, I'm trying to help your simple mind.
Decide not to face me tonight at the SUPERSHOW and ultimately forfeit your competition at our Triple Threat NTercontinental match...
or suffer the pain inflicted by...

[JNSQ pulls off black codpiece cover to unveil a new, improved, platinum chainmail codpiece]

The choice is yours to make.

*Lights go out in the arena*


*Walks to the ring*


Look at me America. I'm here to stay!


I wanted to be quiet for weeks, I really did. I didn't want to have to waste my breath and beautiful vocal cords for all you munchnugget haters. No, I don't have a Fozzy tour coming up. I'm BACK... BAYBAY!!!! NTWE, I am here to stay, so grab a chair, beer, a cat to stroke, or even a ball to play with. And by ball, I'm talking to you JNSQ.

You see, I understand you, and the rest of the federation for that matter, hate on me because it's the cool thing to do. It doesn't get to me on bit. Call me lame. Call me a bore. In the last PPV, I held my own in two matches that night. Two. Two is a sensitive number for you, isn't it JNSQ? How does it feel to have one testicle? One, solo, uno. U-no Testicle! Chant it with me!

*Crowd begins to follow, chant, and point at JNSQ "He's got one nut!" clap clap clap clap clap "He's got one nut!"

You see. I am not going to back down, from you, or anyone. Tonight on the Supershow, we will have a match. And I will win. All my Jeriholics out there will drink in the win with me. We are going to rock 'n roll, take a stroll, maybe bowl (who knows, I don't know if we'll have enough time... *breaks kayfabe, QUICK. WHAT MOVIE!?*). One thing is for certain. Tonight, I pick up my first win in my NTWT career.

In fact, I am so confident, I am already looking past tonight.


I am focused on NT Rumble, whenever that may happen. I have more faith in Johnny 'Funkhouser' Laurinaitis getting the PPV together quicker than GHIMS will.

That night, I will be crowned the NT I.C. Champion. And hopefully I will also have a spot in the Battle Royal, where I will win, and headline NT Mania II.

Y2J. Year .2012. Jeribkmac. To pay homage to one of the best stable of all time, DX... If you ain't down with that, I got a few words for 'yah!

Spoiler [+]
Was Chyna actually a man?

See you ladies later tonight.

*Exits ring, walks to the back to lace up with his match against the One-Ball Band JNSQ.


   Nope..Try again..
Originally Posted by YardFather

D Bry does have a great theme.

Who remembers when his ROH theme was The Final Countdown because he wanted to have the worst theme ever? lulz

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]went so hard. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].[/color]
Quick Smackdown Spoilers for Friday

I will post more detailed spoilers when they are available.

Spoiler [+]
* Daniel Bryan opens the show with a promo. Mark Henry interrupts him and announces that he is banned from ringside in tonight’s World Heavyweight Championship match against The Big Show, but he’s trying to get a title shot next week.

* Justin Gabriel b. Heath Slater

* Cody Rhodes b. Ezekiel Jackson. Before the match, Rhodes cut a short promo.

* Ted DiBiase b. Drew McIntyre. Hunico was on commentary during the match.

* Sheamus b. Jinder Mahal

* David Otunga b. Santino Marella

* Brodus Clay b. Tyson Kidd in a squash.

* Tamina b. Natalya

* Wade Barrett came to the ring and cut a promo on the Royal Rumble match. He announced that he will face Sheamus next week.

* The main event is Daniel Bryan vs. The Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship. AJ was ringside in support of Bryan. AJ took a bump from Big Show during the match and ended up being taken out on a stretcher. The match then ended in a no contest.
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