Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Originally Posted by toine2983



 at me not being on this show!

u get no crowd reaction.

u are lucky that u set the ring up

And you can't book a bookcase. You were saying?
The following bout is worth 3SP.

HombreLobo vs. Toine (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)
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Cruz Gangstamonte - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 212 pounds,, Toine!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Toine comes to the ring. ]

Cruz Gangstamonte - and his opponent, weighing in at 217 pounds,, HombreLobo!!! (crowd cheers **)

[HombreLobo walks to the ring. Martin Short is the referee for this contest. Toine places HombreLobo on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
HombreLobo places Toine on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex.
(ding, ding, ding) Toine rakes his fingers across HombreLobo's back.
HombreLobo executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Toine.
HombreLobo hits Toine with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle.

Dennis Chrisposen - HombreLobo executes a elbowdrop.

[HombreLobo is back on his feet.
HombreLobo puts Toine in an arm grapevine submission.
HombreLobo gets hit with a running powerslam by Toine
Toine chants start.
Toine puts a knee to HombreLobo's back and pulls hims arms back.
The referee is checking the situation.
... (AHHHH!) ... HombreLobo escapes.
Toine clotheslines HombreLobo.
Toine grabs HombreLobo's leg and takes him down.

Cruz Gangstamonte - HombreLobo takes a single leg takedown.

[HombreLobo is back on his feet.
HombreLobo with an Aztecan suplex on Toine sends him to the mat.
Toine gets back to his feet.
Toine applies the clawhold on HombreLobo.
HombreLobo takes a slap to the face from Toine.
Now Toine standing.
HombreLobo gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag.
Toine throws HombreLobo off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block.
Toine punches HombreLobo repeatedly.
HombreLobo nails Toine with a springboard dropkick.
HombreLobo is back on his feet.
HombreLobo hooks Toine in an armlock leglock submission.
Martin Short asks Toine if he quits.
... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) HombreLobo breaks the hold.
HombreLobo hits the handspring moonsault on Toine.
Toine is back on his feet.

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Toine gets taken down with an armdrag takedown.
Toine gets up.
Toine hits a koppo kick on HombreLobo.
Toine uses a lariat on HombreLobo.
HombreLobo climbs to his feet.
Toine grabs HombreLobo's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex.
Toine gets back to his feet.
HombreLobo moves back to his feet.
Toine gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by HombreLobo.
Toine stands up.
Toine with a gut-wrench suplex on HombreLobo.
Toine knee drops HombreLobo.
Toine moves back to his feet.
Toine knee drops HombreLobo.
Toine slingshot elbow drops HombreLobo.
HombreLobo is back on his feet.
Toine executes the Supper DDT on HombreLobo!
makes the cover with a reverse cradle.
Referee Martin Short makes the count.
...1 ...2 ...3

Dennis Chrisposen - Toine has won the match!

Cruz Gangstamonte - The winner of this match, Toine!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
Brasilianmami was supposed to showoff

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At least no one has taken turns with repeated kneeling groin headbutts
The following bout is the main event of the evening. It is worth 7SP.

YardFather & 4Wrestling vs. VeintiSiete & ImThatOne (Non-Title Match)

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Cruz Gangstamonte - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, YardFather & 4Wrestling!!!

[YardFather & 4Wrestling come to the ring. ]

Cruz Gangstamonte - and their opponents, the team of VeintiSiete & ImThatOne.

[VeintiSiete & ImThatOne walk to the ring. Martin Short is the referee for this match. Martin Short checks 4Wrestling's boots and knee pads.
VeintiSiete executes a pumphandle suplex on 4Wrestling.
(the bell rings) They lockup. 4Wrestling sends VeintiSiete to the corner of the ring.
4Wrestling brings in YardFather for YardFather & 4Wrestling.
YardFather gets up.
YardFather chops VeintiSiete.
YardFather brings in 4Wrestling for YardFather & 4Wrestling.
4Wrestling hits VeintiSiete with an earringer.
YardFather tagged in by 4Wrestling.
YardFather delivers a short-arm clothesline to VeintiSiete.
VeintiSiete brings in ImThatOne for VeintiSiete & ImThatOne.
YardFather gets thrown into the turnbuckle. ImThatOne comes over and smashes YardFather's head into it.
YardFather makes the tag to 4Wrestling.
4Wrestling delivers a kick to the head of ImThatOne.
4Wrestling stomps ImThatOne's head.
4Wrestling rolls onto ImThatOne connecting with a knee.
Now ImThatOne standing.
ImThatOne executes the front-layout suplex on 4Wrestling.
ImThatOne is up again.
4Wrestling climbs to his feet.
Kneelock submission applied by ImThatOne.
The referee is checking the situation.

Spoiler [+]
... ... ... ImThatOne tightens the hold. ... 4Wrestling is fighting the hold. 4Wrestling escapes.
ImThatOne with a huge super fisherman buster, driving 4Wrestling into the mat.
ImThatOne is back on his feet.
ImThatOne wraps his legs around 4Wrestling's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper.
Martin Short is checking for a tap out.
... ... 4Wrestling is fighting the hold. ... ... 4Wrestling trys to escape. ImThatOne breaks the hold.
4Wrestling gets up.
4Wrestling bounces ImThatOne off the ropes and clotheslines him.
4Wrestling rakes his fingers across ImThatOne's back.
ImThatOne executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming 4Wrestling's face to the mat.
ImThatOne stands up.
ImThatOne hits 4Wrestling with an elbowdrop.
ImThatOne sucks chants start in the crowd.
4Wrestling climbs to his feet.
ImThatOne executes the German suplex on 4Wrestling.
ImThatOne moves back to his feet.
ImThatOne runs in and leg drops 4Wrestling.
ImThatOne sucks chants start in the crowd.
ImThatOne powerbombs 4Wrestling into the mat.
ImThatOne goes for a pin.
Martin Short counts the pin.
...1 ...2 ...3

Cruz Gangstamonte - The winners of this match, VeintiSiete & ImThatOne!!!

Generated by Zeus Pro
Copyright 2000
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

*Sits ringside taking in tonight's action*
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[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]you do a real nice job of carrying bags though. you bag carrying talent is endless![/color]
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72


 at me not being on this show!

u get no crowd reaction.

u are lucky that u set the ring up

And you can't book a bookcase. You were saying?

wow that was terrible. u goin the cena route with your promos
The %%$$, that match was a joke.

4w threw the match.

Me and Club were in the ring for two seconds.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

*Sits ringside taking in tonight's action*
Spoiler [+]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]you do a real nice job of carrying bags though. you bag carrying talent is endless![/color]

I carry no bags, fella.
Originally Posted by Mister916


I lose another match because someone else gets pinned, again.
*In dressing room getting stitched up by medical, while Mister916 paces back and forth*

Don't blame this on me you buffoon. I was in that ring, stealing the show like i always do, outshining and outclassing you rejects while you're just standing on the apron hand cupping your dripping ball sweat.

Where the hell where you when i was getting my skull bashed in with that chair?!

If anything this is GHIMS's fault for putting two waste of space in a tag team match with me tonight.

I am perfection damnit. I could wrestle circles around Noble AND Hymen BY MY SELF.

*Bmami & Mister916 look up at GHIMS standing at the door, smirking, both realize he has been listening the entire time*
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

u get no crowd reaction.

u are lucky that u set the ring up

And you can't book a bookcase. You were saying?

wow that was terrible. u goon the cena route with your promos
Thanks for trying.... on a serious note:
You're trash at booking.

You're trash at wrestling.

You're trash for planning internet wrestling events.

You're trash at life. You BARELY started using using periods in your sentences....

My dude, I will DESTROY you in that "ring".
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

And you can't book a bookcase. You were saying?

wow that was terrible. u goon the cena route with your promos
Thanks for trying.... on a serious note:
You're trash at booking.

You're trash at wrestling.

You're trash for planning internet wrestling events.

You're trash at life. You BARELY started using using periods in your sentences....

My dude, I will DESTROY you in that "ring".

why would i get in the ring with u? what have u done since joining this company? what matches have u won?
Originally Posted by toine2983

Dennis Chrisposen - Toine has won the match!

Cruz Gangstamonte - The winner of this match, Toine!!!


Kicking, poking, and scratching. I see you, Toine.

But on a serious note I can see why it had to go down like that. 30th entry in the NTRumble. Enjoy it, Mr. Cool.
Well at the shock of just about no one, I win again.

Brilliant ring generalship by making the tag at the right time.

Lets go ahead and get this over with.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

i think we should def. have another supershow before NTRumble

We have one this Thursday, man. @$%%% getting real. We gotta make that build to Mania!
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

wow that was terrible. u goon the cena route with your promos
Thanks for trying.... on a serious note:
You're trash at booking.

You're trash at wrestling.

You're trash for planning internet wrestling events.

You're trash at life. You BARELY started using using periods in your sentences....

My dude, I will DESTROY you in that "ring".

why would i get in the ring with u? what have u done since joining this company? what matches have u won?

Wins/losses don't matter if you have a 28 year old virgin as head booker.
It doesn't matter, though. you Copy/Paste from No DQ'n, wanna-be wrestling, punk  %^% loser. 
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