Wrestling Thread Jan 9-22 | 1/20 Smackdown Roulette from Vega - D Bry vs Mark Henry

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by NewZ05

Why Kane look like a pedophile creepin out the door?

you aint know about kane and his rape closet though?

I remember how awful these segments were.  I can't believe it was 3 years ago.  Kelly's acting hasn't improved a single bit, maybe gotten worse.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Just finished RAW. I guess it can all be summed up in one GIF..


Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by sneakefreake

R.I.P Brodus Clay's career smh

Agreed.  Yes, it's pretty funny and Clay actually made it work, but this will haunt him for the rest of his career.  It's not a gimmick that will ever get past goofy midcarder, which is fine for some guys (Santino), but it shouldn't have been given to Clay.  Even if he goes away for a while and comes back repackaged, people will never forget the Funkasaurus.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Kane rambled on for 7 minutes about embracing hate. Saying the same thing over and over and over, and it's a stupid topic to begin with. Shut the hell up.

At least Cena came out serious for once.

RWD and type what Big Show said during the hand  shake
I missed it and already deleted Raw.  What was it?
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Just finished RAW. I guess it can all be summed up in one GIF..


Spoiler [+]

*breaks kayfabe* It's 10:55AM here on the East Coast, and I just woke up. I see the Night Club did not happen. What a letdown. I thought Club attacking hombrelobo for pushing the Supershow to today instead of last night, meant he was going to stick by his word.

I'm gonna be honest. I've been getting a little e-hurt reading my name being slandered around here. It sucks being the butt of all jokes, and how when I take my time to cut a promo, it gets *!+*%!* on with quickness. For the past few days, I've had Microsoft Word open, trying to come up with one of my best promos, and I think I've got it. It cuts on everyone, so don't take it to the heart. It's all in good fun, right? Or is it.... */breaks kayfabe*

Spoiler [+]
*walks to ring*



*enters ring*

link to Word Document-image of promo:




Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by toine2983

Four Horsemen.

So Flair going be at Mania?

No love for Mongo McMicheal?
Not sure if serious....

I wasn't.

And I don't think the Funkasaurus gimmick is the death blow for Brodus Clay's WWE career.

Even if his current gimmick doesn't get over WWE can repackage as a monster heel.

They've done it before with Kane (several times) and my boy Mizark. And at the very least his debut last night shows that he has the charisma/personality to pull something like that off.
Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

Has anyone been bale to play WWE 12 online?

I got in one online match when the came first came out but I haven't tried since due to the crappy servers.

THQ claims that you should be able to get online matches no problems but like I said I haven't tried any to see if that is indeed true.

Guess the long awaited NTWT Royal Rumble match will be postponed for WWE 13
 (assuming the WWE 13 servers actuall function as they should).
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

Has anyone been bale to play WWE 12 online?

I got in one online match when the came first came out but I haven't tried since due to the crappy servers.

THQ claims that you should be able to get online matches no problems but like I said I haven't tried any to see if that is indeed true.

Guess the long awaited NTWT Royal Rumble match will be postponed for WWE 13
 (assuming the WWE 13 servers actuall function as they should).
WWE 12 sucks Im playing the hero story and my game wont load at the elimination chamber match 
 I feel like breaking it

^ Yeah that's a well known glitch about the Hero Story.

The game freezing on the last match in the Hero Story is another one as well. Had to replay that match at least 5 times in order to finish it.
Originally Posted by toine2983

^ Yeah that's a well known glitch about the Hero Story.

The game freezing on the last match in the Hero Story is another one as well. Had to replay that match at least 5 times in order to finish it.
Yea but the match wont even start for me is there anything I can do
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

you know Flair will be back for that...
IDK about that. TNA probably won't let him or maybe he won't want to come in with his tail between his legs. But it'd be nice to see all of them there. 

WWE wouldn't do this unless they had a deal/agreement in place to have Flair appear.  Considering how TNA thinks WWE is so great, Dixie is probably just letting him go.  Hell, TNA will probably even promote it.
Plus, another HOF Ring gives Flair something else he can sell to make some money.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Fat Boy 915

As much as it is Jericho and he makes it work, it's getting annoying.

Speak already, Y2J!!
That's the point. He wants to annoy you.
Yeah, but it's a dangerous line before fans start changing the channel.  My cousin who is the definition of a mark told me he thinks Jericho is stupid.
I fell they should have held off on Edge and placed someone who resides where WM 28 is taking place, say Scott Hall, Macho Man or the Rock. They should have held off Edge until they held a WM in Canada. But none the less congrats to Edge who is and always will be one of my favorite superstars.
It's like Vince said: "I have and Idea, I want a character better than the Godfather, D-Lo Brown, Scotty Two Hotty, and Dude Love with Rikishi's size.

WWE Writer: Uh, we can take Brodus Clay and make him into that character.

Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]so weird (good)... just like it was '91 watching shawn wrestle... same great bumps, same worker. Ziggler and DB is why i mainly watch. (jericho is newly added).[/color]

Sorry, they had actual matches in 91.  Not a 2 minute squash and a main event that was so important that they didn't care enough about the finish for Cena to stick around or even show if Ziggler got the countout victory.
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