Wrestling Thread Jan 28-Feb 3 | 1/31 TNA Impact From England - Angle v Anderson, RVD v Ion v King

Appreciate those vids DC, especially the TAKA ones. PLVN I was such a huge TAKA fan when he first came in, then sort of lost touch with him when he bcame a comedy characcter and then went back to Japan. That match with Grea Sasuke (sp? On the phone) from Canadian Stampede (I think) is still one of my faves.

And that Foley DVD looks much more appealing with the listing posted. I'm not sure if that's the match, but Mankind vs Rocky Maivia was considered the last straw for the Rock as far as getting him over as a face. Both him and the WWE are very lucky The Nation came calling and he took off as a heel/tweener. With the way HHH and HBK were against him back then, the Rock could've been released went to WcW and fed to an upcoming Goldberg and slumming it up with Jerry Flynn.
Man, I have probably watched 50 matches in the last 36 hours. No bull. There was another TAKA match I wanted to share.

TAKA vs. Eddy Guerrero:

TAKA vs. Essa Rios:
Well you all know where I stand with the Cruiserweight Title. I am all for it. if you have ALL of that damn talent, why not bring the belt back? Let those dudes have fun with each other. Keep them away from the rest of the talent on the roster.

Just my opinion. Too much talent. You can keep it on Smackdown but I feel GOOD wrestling matches bring in more viewers (cough cough WCW Cruiserweight division)

Hell even if the don't unify the world titles you can keep it simple.

Raw - WWE Championship, IC, Divas
Smackdown World Title, US Title, Cruiserweight

WWE Tag Team Champs work both shows. Right now a good amount of the rosters are midcard/upper midcard potential so give them a title to center around.

Pac Vs Sin Cara would be piff
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Well you all know where I stand with the Cruiserweight Title. I am all for it. if you have ALL of that damn talent, why not bring the belt back? Let those dudes have fun with each other. Keep them away from the rest of the talent on the roster.

Just my opinion. Too much talent. You can keep it on Smackdown but I feel GOOD wrestling matches bring in more viewers (cough cough WCW Cruiserweight division)
They should just can the whole idea of having guys just being on one brand and make it so everyone is on both shows like they pretty much already do now.  I'd love to see the Cruiserweight Title return.  It would help start fresh feuds and it would showcase some of the guys on the roster who seem to always get left off the shows like Justin Gabriel for example.  They should also bring the European Title back and maybe let the guys on the NXT roster compete for it.    I would like to see the WWE Title and the Heavyweight Title merge  since the Heavyweight Title lost its luster.   Plus they need to continue to work on the tag team division.
AJ Styles vs Rico (pre-You look so good to me Rico)

Always find some hidden gem dark matches, whether it's the actual match, or the gimmicks

Brock Lesnar vs Spike Dudley (2002)

Brock Lesnar vs Rico (Late 2001)

Nick Dinsmore (Eugene) vs Leviatian (Batista)
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