Wrestling Thread Jan 28-Feb 3 | 1/31 TNA Impact From England - Angle v Anderson, RVD v Ion v King

Arda Ocal with Bret "Hitman" Hart

He keeps going in on HHH, saying "I Wouldn't Put Him in the Top 1,000 Greatest Wrestlers".

Has a comment on HBK.

- Christian is slated to return shortly, possibly as soon as next week.

- According to Wrestling Observer, The Rock and CM Punk practiced their Royal Rumble match on Sunday before the pay-per-view. The finish was kept top secret from other talents to the point that they hung a curtain around the ring so nobody could see what they were doing.
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I wanted to spend the night on myplayer NBA 2k13 but damn, I guess I'm watching wrestling now

The best Layla pic ever. :evil:

SIKE :tongue:

So no more Rhodes Scholars and it looks like Kane and Daniel Bryan are gonna split from each other soon too.   smh so much for building the tag team division backup.   Hopefully Clay and Tensai become a tag team and WWE buys the Briscoe Brothers out of their ROH contracts.
Best match I feel TAKA was involved in on US Soil

Taka Michinoku, Mens Teioh, **** Togo vs. Gran Hamada, Masato Yakushiji and the Great Sasuke

Absolutely love this match. I would love to see more wrestlers chain together high impact moves vs the occasional big signature move here and there.

I know American wrestling has a very different style, but for as many wrestling moves as there are across the world. How many do we actually see utilized?
I see D.Bry & Kane dropping the belts to Mysterio & Sin Cara soon.

They can then have the typical tag team disputes that lead to their match @ WM.
- Many fans were wondering WWE’s reasoning for having this year’s Royal Rumble match come down to John Cena and Ryback. There was no longterm reasoning, such as an upcoming feud, behind Cena eliminating Ryback. Officials just wanted Cena eliminating someone strong to win the match.

- There was talk of doing a Money in the Bank match at WrestleMania 29 but WWE officials recently decided they do not want the match taking place on the biggest show of the year. The feeling is Money in the Bank should be left to its own pay-per-view.

The idea for this year would have been to feature Ryback in the match to get him over big time but that won’t be happening, at least not at WrestleMania.

- Chris Jericho did a Q&A with fans on Twitter last night and revealed that he knew he would be returning to WWE back in November.

- It was reported before that one of TNA’s upcoming themed pay-per-views will be a “Hardcore Justice 2″ show with an ECW theme to it. Word is this won’t be an actual ECW reunion with ECW Originals being brought back like the last show was. Officials will likely book something similar to a TNA vs. the hardcore world of wrestling theme with TNA stars taking on popular hardcore wrestlers from other promotions. One talent they may bring in for this show is Judas Mesias from Mexico, who last competed for TNA back in 2008.
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