Wrestling Thread Feb 9-15 | 2/15 No Way Out PPV (pg 16) - Two Elimination Chamber Matches

Originally Posted by toine2983

I was wondering why this thread jump like this.

So Christian's on ECW eh?

How his entrance music?
It's alot like his last theme but with a dude singing it instead of a chick.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by toine2983

I was wondering why this thread jump like this.

So Christian's on ECW eh?

How his entrance music?
It's alot like his last theme but with a dude singing it instead of a chick.


The vid is up on wwe.com for anyone that wants to see it.
It's inevitable that Christian turns heel. 99% of the time people return as a face. They are going to get a positive pop just for the "welcomeback" factor alone.

Whether he's the attacker in the Hardy storyline or not, he's eventually turning heel again.
I think we'll see him double up on Raw/Smackdown anyway. At least I hope. I haven't watched ECW in like 2 years but I guess I'll start watchingnow. Still dumb if you ask me to put him on ECW on a random night. Bust him out at a PPV.
I would've thought Christian would return at a PPV and interfere in a match at least he is back.

They are just trying to build Christian up again and he will then go to SD.
Man you don't need to build Christian back up if you haave him team up with Edge and say he ran over Jeff Hardy. I haven't watched Smackdown in 2weeks, are they still playing the who killed Hardy card?

I can't remember the last time I marked the hell out like that.

When Swagger was talking and the beat dropped with a face on the screen I thought that wasn't Christian was it, then it showed him dropping someone withthe Unprettier and I was

And the Swagger vs Christian match was great.

Just goes to show that a lot of the times the dirt sheet writers have no clue what they're talking about.
Originally Posted by MFr3shM

Christian should've come back with hair extensions.

triple h made the writers cut christians hair or sumthing like that so i doubt he grows it back unless he goes to raw
As seen on tonight's edition of ECW on Sci Fi, Tyson Kidd made his WWE debut in a win over local competitor Bao Nguyen. Kidd is WWE developmental wrestlerT.J. Wilson. WWE had plans to call Wilson up to the Smackdown roster with DH Smith and Natalya several weeks back as the New Hart Foundation, but those planschanged when Smith went to the creative team and pitched a role for himself on the Raw roster as a member of Legacy. As a result, there was heat on Smith fromother wrestlers as they felt he damaged Wilson and Natalya's chances of making it to the main roster in a pronounced role. A tag team with Smith appearedto be Wilson's best and perhaps only chance at making it on the main roster as we never heard anything about WWE utilizing him as a singles wrestler. UntilMonday's Raw, Wilson never worked a singles match before a WWE crowd, and he had been under contract for over two years. Wilson beat Jamie Noble in a darkmatch prior to the show. In the end, Wilson made it to the roster before Smith did, who is now on his own in developmental.
What up yall I was at Raw last night in oakland and I got some pics ill post later tonight

The dark matches last night were Jamie Noble/ TJ Wilson and then John Morrison/Goldust. TJ Wilson came out with a lady last night but it was never annouced hername.
Spoiler [+]
SmackDown: (Airing This Week)
* An opening video recapping the Jeff/Matt Hardy saga is shown.

* Edge comes out with Vickie Guerrero. He poses for the pyro, but it doesn't go off. He cuts a promo about the Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out. He says he suffered an injury from The Undertaker. Big Show comes out and interrupts. He says that there's no way out for Edge on Sunday. Vickie announces a Fatal Four Way match for tonight with Big Show vs. The Undertaker vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Triple H. Chavo Guerrero comes out.

* MVP b. Chavo Guerrero
- The match ends in disqualification as Shelton Benjamin comes out and attacks MVP. Chavo Guerrero connects with a frog splash.

* A WrestleMania 13 video package is shown.

* An Undertaker video promo is shown on the screen. He talks about how he's going to administer pain in the Elimination Chamber Match at No Way Out and victory is his destiny.

* The Bella Twins are shown backstage with Carltio & Primo Colon. The Miz & John Morrison interrupt. Whichever teams wins their next tag match gets a date with The Bellas tomorrow night.

* The Miz & John Morrison b. Carlito & Primo Colon
- The Bellas comes to the ring with the Colons. After the match, The Bellas leave with The Miz & Morrison.

* Jeff Hardy is shown arriving in a red Ferrari shaking hands with everyone backstage. He's on his way out next...

* Jeff cuts a promo about betrayal and how he's moving onto this Sunday.

* R-Truth b. Ezekiel Jackson
- R-Truth enters through the crowd.

* Maria joins Eve backstage who is talking about fighting Michelle McCool tonight.

* A WrestleMania 3 video package is shown.

* Maria b. Michelle McCool
- Eve comes out and interferes which causes Maria to roll up McCool for the win.

* Triple H is backstage with Todd Grisham. He talks about his new t-shirt and goes onto say how the Elimination Chamber is dreaded but he likes the pain it brings. He says he'll walk out champion on Sunday.

* Big Show vs. The Undertaker vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Triple H in a Fatal Four Way Match
- All four men hit finishers then Edge runs out and interferes. He spears Big Show. SmackDown goes off the air as Edge stands over them all with the WWE Championship belt.
Spoiler [+]
I guess Edge is dropping his belt on Sunday

And no mention of Christian? I'm really not liking the direction this is headed. Dude is Edge's "brother," he should be doing double work or something to keep that storyline up.
Originally Posted by thacamel

Anyone else think Jeff wins the EC, and defends at WM against Matt?

nah, both cena and edge will win the ec this sunday
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