Wrestling Thread Dec30-Jan5 | 12/30 Final Raw of 2013 - MAJOR Return Tonight


Alright either DirecTV or my DVR started to f up around this time, but why is HHH introducing Brock, when Brock "broke his arm" twice, and both had brutal matches with each other just a couple months ago??





Rosa, Sasha, Bayley, and ?????????????????????????????????

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Brock should not be shaking hands with anyone in the WWE other than Heyman. Especially not HHH.
I've watched that Laser segment like 5 times today and the scream is just beyond hilarious..

Also got my tix this morning to the Batista return show..Never had seats in the section that was available so I'm not sure how my view will be..Anyone ever had seats with a similar view?..

Section 211, row 15 (about 1/3 of the way up from the floor)
After hearing Lesnar's scream, all I could think about is him at a pep rally shouting all the places he's gonna be at just like Howard Dean and then ending it with that scream.
Dem screams doe! Particularly the last one :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"No more, no more, no more..he understands...he understands..he understands!"

:lol: :lol:
Antonio Banderas should've trademarked that move. He'd be getting paid from the Joel and Lego Joel gifs. Can make cameos in movies & tv doing that one move.
You know Part 1 is better

Also, big shout out to @furiousstylezz for the Secret Santa gift.  Much appreciated man, was looking for some good wrestling stuff to watch while on break, even contemplated getting the WWE package just to watch old Raws
.  The beanie is perfect too
, these MLB on-fields haven't been keeping my head warm this winter
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I'm watching the Triple H doc right now. (Exciting NYE, I know)

Two things, I want to see a William Regal doc with matches released sometime in the near future, and it's cool to hear Trips actually put over Foley as someone who helped put him on the map.
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