Wrestling Thread Dec30-Jan5 | 12/30 Final Raw of 2013 - MAJOR Return Tonight

That botch tho
Yeah this turn is awesome and all but this gives me hope that DBry is gonna come back more over than ever.

Fans gonna end up being so tired of him being under the Wyatts that they'll be practically begging him to turn face. I'm interested in where this is going.
Bray Wyatt running the ministry of darkness 2.0, Daniel Bryan gonna end up in a match against the Undertaker at WM
D. Bryan's character is stale imo. He's over, but he needs a revamp in his career to win a big title. There's only one face that WWE feels deserves a title belt and that's John Cena...lol
I miss watching Raw live.. I'm in the freaky thread instead of being here... And that's what makes me feel dirty :smh:
They could have had an Evolution reunion if Batista returned next week.
I wonder if this has anything to do with bringing Flair back. 

Unbelievably hypocritical of WWE to bring Flair back but JR is still fired.  Whatever though.  Not surprising.
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Since the years almost over I figured we should all post our favorite wrestling-related moment of 2013.

Here's mine:

The kid at WM 
How far in advance does WWE announce matches for Raw?..I'm trying to go on the 20th and want to know what matches are planned..
C'mon, you've been watching long enough to know they don't finalize Raw until about 30 minutes before it goes on the air.
No offense DC, but unless you're a 10 year old kid, I can't imagine why anyone would go to a house show.

Why not just go to Raw on Monday in Baltimore?
A house show would give me a higher probability of "random matchups."

Plus a few NXT dudes might show up.
Every house show is exactly the same.  Just look at the results from the past few nights and you'll know what you're getting.
Lebron asked for a WWE BELT, but WWE only wants to give him a title (belt is a banned word in WWE).  That really annoyed the hell out of me right there.

Belt is a banned word?..Seriously?

Yup. Bryan Alvarez did an interesting article on all the banned words in WWE about a year ago.  I'll track it down.

I would love to read that article as well... without watching Raw, I think there's either 1 of 2 outcomes in the D Bry / Wyatt thingie... D Bry's popularity dosen't decrease and the Wyatts get over because of Brian... Or they just completely killed D Bryan...
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