Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

WWE World Heavyweight Champion sounds so redundant. World Wrestling Entertainment World Heavyweight Champion? :x
Just go back to calling it the WWE Heavyweight Champion like in the 80s
I still think WWE Heavyweight champion would have sufficed.

And to my elf, my tracking says that you should be getting your gift tomorrow.
Wyatts come out during the Orton/D Bry match, cost D Bry the match, Cena out for the save, Cena & D Bry/Wyatts feud.
Holding 2 belts is superfluous but pretty dope.

i hate the big show so much. he is just so boring because he can only do a handful of moves at this point. Nothing annoys me more than he slaps to the chest. 
Anyone find it funny how UN-Gay Goldust is now?

RT @SethMates: "@AKATheMaskedMan: What are we calling the Big Show-Mysterio team anyway?" Meal Mascaras?
Glad you enjoyed @JRAdagreat72 yeah the Chyna book was a joke. I was gonna send it first by itself but I didn't feel like making two trips to the post office :lol:

Would be cool if Bryan goes over clean tonight.
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