Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

I apologize to my elf but being gone on business for this entire month made it difficult to shop for presents.  Your stuff should be there Wednesday.
I wish Show and Mysterio were permanently off my TV.  I'd much rather see the Large Program and Ron Misterio in TNA.
Remember the Big Show/Giant was going to do a Moonsault in his WCW days. I always remember hearing that he was practicing it

This could be an appropriate gif for "Don't even care" :lol:
good thing they're basically giving us the same matches as last night with the Rhodes bros v. should be retired and Punk v. the shield 
I don't know why randy is complaining. All Bryan does is job to him anyways

Not like he's rematching austin the next night in a cage #jericho
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