Wrestling Thread Dec 31-Jan 13 | 1/13 TNA Genesis PPV |

His promos would be a lot stronger if they allowed him to really do him. The Rock hasn't had it for a while. He was bad during the Cena run, but last night was the boiling point.
I disagree. I think he has free reign to do whatever he wants. If Punk does, why wouldn't someone they paid big money to make a few appearances? Sadly, I think The Rock NEEDS the catchphrases to do promos. He needs people to just wait for what they know is coming. The comedy is old though. It comes off as a Larry The Cable Guy stand up performance. "It doesn't matter..." is wrestling fans' "Get'er done."
Needs em?
They have him create a new one every week with this twitter crap

And he hasnt used a lot of his old catchphrases. Its not like larry the cable guy "get r done" at all really. More like richard pryor dusting off ol "mudbone"
Needs em?
They have him create a new one every week with this twitter crap
And he hasnt used a lot of his old catchphrases. Its not like larry the cable guy "get r done" at all really. More like richard pryor dusting off ol "mudbone"

Ha, you are right with the Pryor thing.
His promos would be a lot stronger if they allowed him to really do him. The Rock hasn't had it for a while. He was bad during the Cena run, but last night was the boiling point.
I disagree. I think he has free reign to do whatever he wants. If Punk does, why wouldn't someone they paid big money to make a few appearances? Sadly, I think The Rock NEEDS the catchphrases to do promos. He needs people to just wait for what they know is coming. The comedy is old though. It comes off as a Larry The Cable Guy stand up performance. "It doesn't matter..." is wrestling fans' "Get'er done."

Not sure if srs, or is one of Punks many pole riders. Dude is good I knw. But thats cuz he can go off the record, and shoot since that's the core of his character. If he couldn't shoot he'd be s snake without venom.

I'm sure Rock has reign over his promos, but its PG. He can drop a couple B's, but can't unleash the flood gates on Punk, because that will confuse ppl. It'll be a tweener vs a heel. And WWE loves cookie cutter faces, so I'm sure he has restrictions.
what pisses me off with how they have the Rock just dominate the top guys when he comes back is that after Wrestlemania he will be gone again and it just makes the rest of the roster look weak. 

To be honest, roster is already weak. It was annoying that Ziggler did all his finisher on Cena and even BigE's and he still couldn't be pinned. I mean seriously, what else is the point of any future matches between the two?

Then there is Punk who can't even come close to beating Ryback, I get it they want to make Ryback a monster and the Shield program to continue but a win by Punk (dirty or not) w/o any help would have made him much stronger than he has been shown for months now. A good transition to tfacing the Rock. Punk made a great promo but if you think about him facing the Rock, he is the champ but becomes the underdog when he can't even beat Ryback?

WWE booking has been crap for years now.
Im surprised the Rock kept up w Punk while in character. Its dangerous to go against a dude that is allowed to shoot & be off the during his promos. If Punk wasn't allowed to shoot his promos would be just above average.

Nah. Not at all. Punk did shoot a little bit but 95% of the promo was in-character. He didn't say the matches were staged or anything like that. He just said popularity affords opportunities moreso than deservedness. This is true not just in wrestling but in Boxing and in UFC as well so it's not like he was saying "This ***** fake".
I think we should all just accept that Punk is better on the mic and stop making excuses for Rocky.

The PG rating and heel/face labels have NOTHING to do with The Rock repeating himself and stumbling over his words.

You really think that if they could both say **** and ***** and **** and **** and cock that Punk would get outshined?

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I was near death when The.Rock said "It doesn't matter that u matter!". Had me like "wait...what?" :lol: Awesome promo from Punk though. I think my favorite thing about it was that there was none of that self-depreciating mess Cena was pulling during his feud with The Rock. Id be on board with Punk beating Rock, then facing Taker at Mania. The promos if a non-American Bad ***/Big Evil Taker has to really talk though...:rolleyes. All the visuals and stuff would make up for it though
Im surprised the Rock kept up w Punk while in character. Its dangerous to go against a dude that is allowed to shoot & be off the during his promos. If Punk wasn't allowed to shoot his promos would be just above average.

Nah. Not at all. Punk did shoot a little bit but 95% of the promo was in-character. He didn't say the matches were staged or anything like that. He just said popularity affords opportunities moreso than deservedness. This is true not just in wrestling but in Boxing and in UFC as well so it's not like he was saying "This ***** fake".

His promo was in character yeah. But it's dangerous going against him nvr knowing if he'll go kayfabe. Look how he did Nash & Cena. If he didnt have that card up his sleeve I think he would be just above average, lk before. Beside the god line, I don't recall anything special. But y'all fanboys will eat it up
I just don't see the Rock losing on his return, I think it is pretty obvious now that he'll win the title from Punk and then lose it to Cena. Would be a good swerve though.

One of the great things about Punks promo is that it just doesn't seem scripted when he talks, there are time where he stumbles a bit but it just gives you an impression that it was just exactly what was running through his head. I didn't have much problem with Rocks promo outside of the corny jokes but his promos always sounds scripted (still not as bad as Cenas). He even often pauses and kind of resets.
My issue is it doesn't make sense. Why is Rock getting a title shot to begin with? Why hasn't that been discussed? Why isn't Punk questioning it?

And if he does win, why? What good does it do for a guy who comes back for 3 months to get the title from a guy who has been the face of the company for 1.5 yrs? And then what good does it do for Cena to win the belt from Rock at WM and continue being a stale personality everyone over the age of 12 hates?

I think Rock needs to be back, get angry and have a classic feud with Punk that goes until WM. Have Punk win in an epic 1 hr match in grand fashion and call it a day. Everyone gets paid, everyone gets recognized, and both have more shining moments in the spotlight at WM.
My issue is it doesn't make sense. Why is Rock getting a title shot to begin with? Why hasn't that been discussed? Why isn't Punk questioning it?

And if he does win, why? What good does it do for a guy who comes back for 3 months to get the title from a guy who has been the face of the company for 1.5 yrs? And then what good does it do for Cena to win the belt from Rock at WM and continue being a stale personality everyone over the age of 12 hates?

I think Rock needs to be back, get angry and have a classic feud with Punk that goes until WM. Have Punk win in an epic 1 hr match in grand fashion and call it a day. Everyone gets paid, everyone gets recognized, and both have more shining moments in the spotlight at WM.

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Draw ppl
Mainstream attention

Punk can't do that
His promo was in character yeah. But it's dangerous going against him nvr knowing if he'll go kayfabe. Look how he did Nash & Cena. If he didnt have that card up his sleeve I think he would be just above average, lk before. Beside the god line, I don't recall anything special. But y'all fanboys will eat it up

Just stop.
His promo was in character yeah. But it's dangerous going against him nvr knowing if he'll go kayfabe. Look how he did Nash & Cena. If he didnt have that card up his sleeve I think he would be just above average, lk before. Beside the god line, I don't recall anything special. But y'all fanboys will eat it up

Making up a bunch of excuses right now. Look at how bad John Cena went in on Ziggler before the **** show last week. You could call that a 'shoot'. The reality is they're just modern day promos. (Something John is terrible at, too)

I'm not caught up in fanboyism with this. It's clear cut and simple. Punk is the absolute best on the mic. Add a Rock who's willing to put him over and you get a little something called magic.
Only way the match will be interesting is if Ryback, The Shield, and Brad Maddox all come out to interfere with the match.
Huh? The Rock was on last night?
Is he back for a while or is it just tonight to promote a movie or something?

Back for a little while. WWE Title match at the Royal Rumble and likely making appearances all the way to Wrestlemania.
DBry & Kane are still Tag Team Champions because there's nowhere else for them to shine at the moment.

WWE Title picture is CM Punk/Rock/Cena
World Title picture is Show/Sheamus/Ziggler/Swag Rio

Main Event scene is cluttered so this gives them something to do in the interim until after Wrestlemania. If not they be wandering aimlessly like the Orton, Miz and Kofi currently are
I agree that Punk had the best line of the night, and he did win the "promo war" last night..But the majority of Punk's rant just seemed way too forced..It came across to me that he was trying way to hard to get the fans to boo him..On the other hand, Rock's promo just didn't have the pop to it I was expecting..He needs to go in and out of kayfabe with a talker of Punk's caliber in order to keep up..But no matter what it was a solid way to kick off the feud and I think if they can get Rock back, at least, every other week the WWE will have something special on their hands..
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