Wrestling Thread Dec 31-Jan 13 | 1/13 TNA Genesis PPV |

Had a friend say it best. Rock shouldve hit punk with the rock bottom after the "times up" line, and rolled out. Would've been much more effective.
Punk's **** is just too good. He's the Alan Moore of this wrestling ****. The general population don't even know how to react because they've never been hit with Punk level product. Rocky, while a big upgrade from Cena just can't keep with with Punk. Him and Cena are the Saturday morning cartoons to Punks graphic novel. It's funny though. WWE really gets the best of both worlds with Punk/Rock. WWE faces (Cena, Rock) = simply drawn. no story arcs. good for kids, marks. WWE heels (Punk, Ziggler) = depth. consequences. good for adults, smarks. Ultimately, come RR people will be buying & if the WWE play it smart they could make WM29 the best selling of all time.
I agree so much with Punk on his views of Tyson Kidd, the guy is great and WWE just doesn't do anything with the guy.
His matches with Hunico were awesome.
I would love to see a 30 min match with him and D.Bry.

Agree. They almost need to bring back a cruiserweight division and spice it up with Tyson Kidd, Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Rey Mysterio, Evan Borne (when he's back), Justin Gabriel, etc. I thought the show tonight was decent - Cena actually had a few funny things to saw/do IMO. The Rock had some things, but he's definitely Rusty repeating some things on the mic. Regardless I get goosebumps every time I hear his music. I'll be at Royal Rumble this year, and can't wait to see. A thought I came up with during RAW: Rock fights Punk before the actual Royal Rumble match, and loses - then enters in as one of the mystery entrants (30th?) and wins - then it's Punk vs Rock at WM29 for the title.
Just going back to that last segment one tIme. What did we get out of it? Two things. We completely know the framework, know what each man has at stake (add to that the conflict was well played)

Punk finally reconciled his new character with his previous one, and set out a clear and personal goal in the feud besides just winning a match and keeping a title. It's a testament to his skill that he was able to essentially reinvent the wheel by making "I hate the fans" sound so fresh and meaningful. This is the same basic motive for Big Show's heel turn last year, the same one Punk has used since the Summer, and yet he was able to frame it in a new and interesting way by going all out with it and virtually declaring war on the existence of the crowd itself.

I was just as impressed with the Rock, though. Yes, he still did his character even though Punk poked a few holes in it, but he didn't just do his catchphrases and insults. He did what Cena tries and fails to do in every single feud. He played The Man/Good Guy. He stood his ground and refused to be cowed by the villains arguments, because no matter how many hard truths there are in that argument, their conclusion and goal is madness. Cena always tries to do this, but the Rock just pulls it off so much better. Maybe its ability, maybe its just that the Rock has more credibility doing this because he doesn't go to it every single time.

Finally, the actual interaction between the two was everything the Rock/Cena feud was lacking. Yes, the Rock took the piss out of Punk, he did his jock bully schtick, but the difference was this time instead of pulling a stupid face and refusing to rise to it, Punk reacted exactly as he should. He got pissed off. He showed believable anger and came back at the Rock, instead of letting himself get **** on. It both highlighted what a great performer Punk is, and how bad Cena's character really is. Just Punk stating that he was going to kick the Rock's *** with utter conviction created a better feud than anything Cena could say or do in an entire year.
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That single Rock/Punk exchange was better then the entire Cena/Rock rivalry. This is gonna be good.
what pisses me off with how they have the Rock just dominate the top guys when he comes back is that after Wrestlemania he will be gone again and it just makes the rest of the roster look weak.   I hope they have the Rock lose at Wrestlemania to pass the torch.   I'm also sick of seeing the same feuds over and over again every week.  Watch its gonna be Cm Punk vs the Rock for the next 3 months.  smh and I don't want to see a HHH vs Brock rematch either at Wrestlemania.  How about they have Brock vs Ryback. Or Brock vs Sheamus.  Either way I'll be watching Raw every week and my wife and I will probably end up buying the next 3 pay per views.
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Well said.
Could u imagine punk beats rock,
Taker wins rumble?
Punk as champ vs taker would be epic
whoa!  I'd love to see that.   Or how about the Rock wins and then Taker wins the rumble and its Taker and his streak vs the Rock and the WWE title.  I know its not likely to happen though since both aren't in wwe full time anymore.   lol unless at the end Dolph comes out of no where to cash in the money in the bank briefcase to win the WWE title.
Agree. They almost need to bring back a cruiserweight division and spice it up with Tyson Kidd, Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Rey Mysterio, Evan Borne (when he's back), Justin Gabriel, etc. I thought the show tonight was decent - Cena actually had a few funny things to saw/do IMO. The Rock had some things, but he's definitely Rusty repeating some things on the mic. Regardless I get goosebumps every time I hear his music. I'll be at Royal Rumble this year, and can't wait to see. A thought I came up with during RAW: Rock fights Punk before the actual Royal Rumble match, and loses - then enters in as one of the mystery entrants (30th?) and wins - then it's Punk vs Rock at WM29 for the title.
I'd love to see the WWE bring back the Lightweight or Cruiserweight title and division.  With Raw being 3 hours now it would help to start new feuds.  I'm getting tired of the same old feuds over and over again. 
I straight up got goosebumps when Punk said "arms too short to box with God" :wow: :wow: :pimp:

Watched the last segment last night....I thought both men were great. Yes Rock had a few corny lines but he was able to get those off and still cut a serious promo. To be honest The Rock on his bad day still dumps all over the roster promo wise. He's going to be on TV for 3-4 months so I will give him time to make adjustments and get into his groove. I think Rock should add some shoot to his promos like Punk did. Punk's mic work was A1...you can tell he's been waiting for this moment. They both did a great job of making this match feel IMPORTANT. If that was Cena in Rock or Punk's position he probably would have been laughing and smiling while the other one was talking. They both sold the seriousness of them wanting/needing to win. I didn't like the Rock Bottom at the end.....too early for contact. I hope they stick with Rock/Punk after Royal Rumble...I have no interest in seeing Rock/Cena II.
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Huh? The Rock was on last night?

Is he back for a while or is it just tonight to promote a movie or something?
Here's the full Punk promo.

Followed by the confrontation.

The way he kills the cookie **** chant so quickly :pimp:
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Im surprised the Rock kept up w Punk while in character. Its dangerous to go against a dude that is allowed to shoot & be off the during his promos. If Punk wasn't allowed to shoot his promos would be just above average.
What was the point of DZ losing to Cena? Match was excellent though.

Why are Kane and D.Bry still Tag Champs?

Whats the point of the constant burial of Brad Maddox?

So I'm the only one to think The Rocks Promo was fine? Yes Punk went in but thats what he does. Rock ain't a full timer and he is the Face he doesn't need much to pull the crowd. I enjoyed the segment. Hope the match between them is awesome.
Punk's **** is just too good. He's the Alan Moore of this wrestling ****. The general population don't even know how to react because they've never been hit with Punk level product. Rocky, while a big upgrade from Cena just can't keep with with Punk. Him and Cena are the Saturday morning cartoons to Punks graphic novel. It's funny though. WWE really gets the best of both worlds with Punk/Rock. WWE faces (Cena, Rock) = simply drawn. no story arcs. good for kids, marks. WWE heels (Punk, Ziggler) = depth. consequences. good for adults, smarks. Ultimately, come RR people will be buying & if the WWE play it smart they could make WM29 the best selling of all time.

Awesome comic-wrestling analogies. Alan Moore :smokin
I wonder how Rock would do in a shoot against shoot promo face to face against Punk.

I know Punk would win..But the Rock really has a lot of ammo in regards to being the Superstar that Punk would of liked to be.

Although, now that I think of it. Rock would just end up sounding more "heelish" than Punk.
Watching the Rock get worked was embarrassing. It was like he had no idea who he was stepping into the ring with.

Here's the thing. I think the attitude era gets overly romanticized. It was a great era, yes. But looking back and watching that Attitude Era Blu-Ray kinda left me with a 'Hmmm, I remember this being better" feeling. It's like watching Good Times reruns, everyone just waiting for JJ to say Dy-No-Mite! That's quite a statement considering that era was probably the most unpredictable.

The Rock was awful last night. He'd out-"I do it all for the fans" Dane Cook.
I wonder how Rock would do in a shoot against shoot promo face to face against Punk.

I know Punk would win..But the Rock really has a lot of ammo in regards to being the Superstar that Punk would of liked to be.

Although, now that I think of it. Rock would just end up sounding more "heelish" than Punk.
His promos would be a lot stronger if they allowed him to really do him. The Rock hasn't had it for a while. He was bad during the Cena run, but last night was the boiling point.
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