Wrestling Thread Dec 31-Jan 13 | 1/13 TNA Genesis PPV |

Punk was epic and I thought The Rock was not bad either, it kept me entertained!!' I just want Rock to go off and list everything he has
Done in the business, that would be a proper promo in response to punk....
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I just understood that Candyland remark. smh at me...

Wished Raw was in Chicago this month...:frown:

I knew he was gonna get handled, but I thought he would have stood a chance tonight. Smh.
If Rock came out and talked about what's he done in WWE and demeaned Punk's current title reign as an insignificant blip in WWE history compared to what Rock's accomplished; then follow that by saying that he would make Punk and his reign even more meaningless by destroying him and taking his title at the Rumble he might've held is own.

Instead we get the usual Rock schtick and "cookiepuss".
I agree so much with Punk on his views of Tyson Kidd, the guy is great and WWE just doesn't do anything with the guy.
His matches with Hunico were awesome.

I would love to see a 30 min match with him and D.Bry.
I agree so much with Punk on his views of Tyson Kidd, the guy is great and WWE just doesn't do anything with the guy.
His matches with Hunico were awesome.
I would love to see a 30 min match with him and D.Bry.


Maybe they give him a push soon.
Everyone here is expecting the old rock.. I don't think the rock cares about the wwe nearly as much as he used to and it shows in his promos. hes an actor now, wwe is in the past. he could kill it if he wanted to, I've seen some of his clips on his twitter from the last two years when he was ripping on cena. On live tv, not so much. He shows up in wwe a few times per year so people watch wwe, dont expect any spectacular attitude era promos.
I agree so much with Punk on his views of Tyson Kidd, the guy is great and WWE just doesn't do anything with the guy.
His matches with Hunico were awesome.

I would love to see a 30 min match with him and D.Bry.

:smh: I know. Him, Hunico, and Justin Gabriel could be killing it on the mainstage
I agree so much with Punk on his views of Tyson Kidd, the guy is great and WWE just doesn't do anything with the guy.
His matches with Hunico were awesome.

I would love to see a 30 min match with him and D.Bry.

:smh: I know. Him, Hunico, and Justin Gabriel could be killing it on the mainstage

^^ this, I miss watching Hunico on TV
I don't think rocky talking about all his wrestling accomplishments will work against punk seeing as Punks ONE title reign is longer than ALL of the Rocks combined. I don't see Dwayne ethering Punk unless Punk is completely restrained.
Cookie ****?


Rock v Cena gonna have the lamest promos going back and forth going to Mania.
Sounds like Rock stunk it up, Cena was corny as all hell and Dolph lost again.

Yet another RAW I don't need to watch! Someone let me know when the Punk promo hits the tube
This is literally the third time, as a wrestling fan, that I'm torn. First two were Hogan/Warrior in WMVI and the other was Hogan/Rock at whatever WMXVIII. I like how Punk stood his ground and I'm glad Rock's jokes weren't as cringe-worthy as the ones with Cena were.
"Unlike a lot of people, I'm glad you're back. I don't care what you're schedule is, I don't care if you work here 16 days a year, 365 days a year, you could be Santa Claus and have his schedule, you can one day a year, I'll still kick you're ***. I don't care how many movies you film every year, I know how hard that schedule probably is, but every time you come back, whenever you decide to grace us with your presence I'm gonna to kick your ***. Because this isn't Candy Land, I'm like nobody you've ever faced before. You can make fun of the color of my T-Shirt and you can talk about pie and you can sing songs and you can rhyme and you can do you're tired lame *** shtick, I just want you to know that come Royal Rumble, and you have about three weeks to realize this, I'm gonna to kick your *** cause I'm the best in the world. I'm the best thing going today, I'm the best guy you've ever stepped foot in the ring with, and you need to understand, congratulations Rock you just graduated from the kiddie table but you just bit off more than you can chew. You're playing little league with your with you're little insults and your rhymes and your millions and millions and finally's and I'm in the big leagues and I'm swinging for the fence. You need to understand your little jabs and your insults are all kiddie games you cant leave a mark on the champs face. Come Royal Rumble UNDERSTAND when you step in the ring your arms are just too short to box with God!" - Phillip Brooks A.K.A CM PUNK!!!!!!!

I want plaster this on my ceiling and wake up to read it every day.

So damn fired up
I'm just bitter about tonight's show.  No use expressing my "hatred of wrestling" tonight.
Punk killed it but at least Rock used most of his old catch phrases,.. even wore the old just bring it shirt
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