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NTMania III preview if anyone is feeling nostalgic

NT MANIA III MATCH PREVIEWS (its saturday afternoon, and im baked. fight me)
(None of the "plans" should be taken as concrete news, anything can change and alot depends on who wins their matches)

10-Man Tag Match
Casekicks, JDCurt, Tennhouse, Toine, and RKO2004 vs. MacBK, PLVN, Stillin729, Johnny Redstorm, and Mitchellicious

This match is filled with big midcard stars and up and comers, but it will be interesting to see which few here get a push in the singles ranks, especially with NTKOTR around the corner.
A possible feud between Casekicks and JDCurt may be in the works due to popular vote but with potential tag-teams like Tennhouse/Toine and Mitchell Redstorm waiting in the loom, we'll have to see how the early summer months pan out.

MacBK seems to be back on board, possibly just for a NTMANIA paycheck, PLVN has potential to break out this year, depends on how he handles himself. RKO's interest in the product seems to teeter-totter.

Singles Match
Hyman Man vs. ITO

ITO had a good summer 2012 winning NTKOTR and getting a shot at Lobo and the NTWT Championship at NTSLAM, only to end up losing clean. Since then he has kind of been hanging around the upper midcard but a win over Hymen Man could possibly set-up a rematch with Club, or maybe even take on the loser of the NTWT Championship match, just to test the waters. Hymen Man has been kind of up and down over the last couple of years, but is definitely one of the handful who could break into the main event with some key wins, one of them being over ITO who has only lost to champions and top contenders thus far.

Tag-Team Championship
The Scott Brothers (GunnaScott and Scott Frost)(c) vs. The Hardbodies (JCMojica and JSBrown)

Scott Frost seems to be the Jannetty of this tag-team, so who knows how long this title run will last. JCMojica has been around for a bit but JSBrown is a little green to be in a NTMania championship match, but could become the first tag-team in NTMANIA history to dethrone the tag-team champions at the annual event.

Battle of the Flyest: EdgarFly vs. Mr. DragonFly Jones

A once revered tag-team with a Cinderella-story title reign, The Flys lost the Tag titles to the Scott Brothers back at NTRumble in January, and the team imploded. One of these two is bound for a decent singles run post-Mania. This match was getting alot of votes for possible title shot implications, which may be a strong possibility for the winner. Edgar has been floating in and out of the midcard division for a couple of years now, but gets booked high up on the card often and with a win over his former partner, itll make a strong statement that his days in the tag-division are over. DragonFly Jones is not used to much singles competition, but is a veteran and could pull out what I would consider as the upset tomorrow night.

Rewrite History: GHIMS vs Illoquent aka DSK

This match seems to be one of the more popular undercard matches this year. Apparently GHIMS has his share of supporting marks, as he has gotten a fair share of votes on many of the survey questions. Doesnt hurt that hes coming off a win over 4W at NTRumble a few months back. Illoquent aka DSK seems to be a fan favorite, as his news postings seems to be taken in with more welcome arms. This match shouldve been made some time ago as these two have been battling over who is "King of the Rasslin News" for some time now. Seeing GHIMS get under 4Ws skin with the whole 'brother' shtick has been a humorous side story in the NTWT Galaxy, and im sure many want to see where that is headed.

NTUS Championship
Peep Game(c) vs. Grizzly Hebert

This is the first major championship defended on the big show. Peep Game won the USTitle a year and a half ago and has seemingly run through every name put in his way in title defenses against names such as GHIMS, TennHouse, and DCAllAmerican. If Peep defeats a veteran (and by veteran im talking like, Vietnam veteran) like Grizz, one has to think that he'll get a "top 5" opponent next heading into the summer to see if a possible NTWT title shot waits in the looms sometime in November. That is of course asusming he beats Grizz, who has been around for some time now and is considered a name amongst the community (and by community i mean the retirement community of which he is a member). Despite all this, Grizz is actually a legit shooter and major feuds with names like The Deek, JNSQ, and Hombrelobo could be waiting in the wing this summer should he get by a seemingly unstoppable Peep Game

Years in the Making: 4Wrestling vs. NobleKane

These two have legitimately hated eachother for years now. We've all witnessed the infamous arguments and humorous pictures being passed amongst each party and now they finally settle the score on the biggest stage. 4W has been 1-2 since losing the NTWT Championship at NTMania II, trading wins and losses with GHIMS as well as a loss to ITO last June in the NTKOTR Finals. NobleKane seems to enjoy his Undertaker-like schedule, but the thought of "beating" 4W brought a satisfaction worth coming out of retirement for.

Triple Threat Match: NTercontinental Championship
JNSQ(c) vs. The Deek vs. Club

Three of the biggest names on the roster competing for one of the biggest titles in NTWT. JNSQ/Club had been in the works for some time, but with JNSQ "misplacing his grin" over the last few months, the bout seemed to be in danger of not happening. Meanwhile, Deek was climbing up the ranks, winning NTRumble, and main eventing NTMania last year. He is surely solidifying himself as a main event player and is looked at as someone who could possibly main event on his own next year, and with a win over Club and JNSQ at a major event, a Deek main event could happen sooner than one would think. Club has only wrestled once since NTMania II in 2012, a DQ win over Hombrelobo back in June for the NTWT championship.

NTWT Championship
Hombrelobo(c) vs. Rusty Shackelford

around this time last year, many thought Rusty Shackelford would be the big break-out star of the current NTWT roster and but many seemed to have soured on him winning the NTRumble match back in January. While some see him as "not ready" for such a prestigious spot, some may change their tune if he beats Lobo clean tomorrow night. Lobo won the title at NTMania II last year, and has gone 1-1 in title defenses since, with a DQ loss to Club in June and a victory over then #1 contender ITO back in August. Both men could be headed towards a feud with 4W going into the summer, with both soopahstahhhs having had their beef with the Catman.

Once in a Lifetime
DCAllAmerican vs. KSteezy

If you havent seen these two go at it in a thread, you probably just joined NT about a week ago. Its been apparent for some time that neither of these two care very much for eachother, to the point that me making a thread about putting them on PPV got a pretty overwhelming response (which lead to a lock from Meth). This match also got plethora of votes for Match You Want to See back in the NTRumble Survey, and overall it just seems like a fight we would really want to see, i know I would. While this will be a one-and-done deal for Steezy, DC is relatively new to the roster and has plenty of feuds waiting for him throughout the year.
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I need to bring that gimmick back
We need that old school WWF style NT logo on a t shirt for real.

Let me know if you haven't received anything yet.
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