Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Dassit. That's all I "expect."

Those who go the extra mile for the autograph seekers, etc, more power to 'em, but if you can't be cool to cool people, you ain't worthy of their support.


It's not their job to acknowledge you in anyway. That's like working retail b and helping a customer out then you punch out for the day and go do a little shopping for a few things you want and customers ask you to help them out. ***** what go that way leave me alone.
ADR gets a 30 day vacation inside Paige.

Course not, bro. It's nobody's job to acknowledge anyone they're not getting directly paid to acknowledge. You don't ever have to say an unpaid word outside your friends and family unless you're going to school.

You can walk past people talking to you on the street, you can blow by co-workers outside the gig, you can put a screechy palm in the face of every woman below a 6...we all free to do our thing, man.

Just might not be the best overall business strategy for someone whose literal source of income is keeping strangers interested in their existence.

Like I said, we all different tho. Respect.
Paige is young enough to leave WWE for a few years and then come back. I really think this is in play.
It's not their job to acknowledge you in anyway. That's like working retail b and helping a customer out then you punch out for the day and go do a little shopping for a few things you want and customers ask you to help them out. ***** what go that way leave me alone.

Nobody making 6 figures off retail. Muh fuggas could at least give the nod :lol:
Course not, bro. It's nobody's job to acknowledge anyone they're not getting directly paid to acknowledge. You don't ever have to say an unpaid word outside your friends and family unless you're going to school.

You can walk past people talking to you on the street, you can blow by co-workers outside the gig, you can put a screechy palm in the face of every woman below a 6...we all free to do our thing, man.

Just might not be the best overall business strategy for someone whose literal source of income is keeping strangers interested in their existence.

Like I said, we all different tho. Respect.

Worked out for prince pretty well.
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