Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Bliss tries WAY too hard with her facial expressions

hahahahahahahahah this girl shawdowboxing


For Nakamura's first WrestleMania they should start his song in parts just like in this video and have it all come together like it did at the 1:10 mark.
I don't see what so clearly separates it from striking up a convo with a regular joe on the street...follow roughly the same guidelines (approach respectfully, don't be weird, gauge my general mood, let me finish my food, not at some crazy hour where I barely look awake) and all should be fine.
Come on bro...we all know ugly/nerdy/frailface dudes are weird and/or creepy from a woman's perspective by default.

If you can't approach a regular woman on the streets, walking up to a female celebrity on some '"lemme smell your essence" is just begging for a bad time.
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