Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

I love Sasha but its kinda hard for me to take her seriously as a top competitor in the women's division when she wears plastic jewelry and shutter shades. Just looks tacky. She looks nothing like a "boss".
I love Sasha but its kinda hard for me to take her seriously as a top competitor in the women's division when she wears plastic jewelry and shutter shades. Just looks tacky. She looks nothing like a "boss".
She's pretty terrible on the mic too.

Her as babyface exposed her weaknesses.
I love Sasha but its kinda hard for me to take her seriously as a top competitor in the women's division when she wears plastic jewelry and shutter shades. Just looks tacky. She looks nothing like a "boss".

Yeah it's okay to drop that corny part of the gimmick..
I love Sasha but its kinda hard for me to take her seriously as a top competitor in the women's division when she wears plastic jewelry and shutter shades. Just looks tacky. She looks nothing like a "boss".

the boss of k-mart

she better go find me some boo-berry
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  at that fan dressed like Ramen, vest and all

@B Sox  
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I love Sasha but its kinda hard for me to take her seriously as a top competitor in the women's division when she wears plastic jewelry and shutter shades. Just looks tacky. She looks nothing like a "boss".

She's pretty terrible on the mic too.

Her as babyface exposed her weaknesses.

Yeah it's okay to drop that corny part of the gimmick..

the boss of k-mart

she better go find me some boo-berry

22stylez 22stylez
I feel like I'm the only that didn't jump on the "Finn is teh suxx0rz" bandwagon in this thread
crazy how over Roman is now. Rusev was the only one to get the crowd to cheer for Roman. Ruru just may be the best heel in the company
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