Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Rumors regarding the cruiserweight division debuting after the CWC are that Roderick Strong, Cedric Alexander and Ibushi will be the top guys.

The belt is rumored to be revealed at the CWC final or soon after.

I think we'll probably get 2 CWD matches a week, i just hope it's not just 5 minute matches.

Vince is said to be frustrated with the Uso's as he sees them to be very injury prone. He wants them to help with the SD Tag division.
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man even the snes games were $50 back in the days
Man,I remember my grandmother bought me MArio 3 (NES) for $80 from Sears
Remember n64 games were 80-90 bucks tho.....
Yea, I remember some games being that high
I would never buy any special edition NBA game. I just play with regular NBA teams, so it isn't for me.

Man, I remember WWE 2K14 had the damn BELLAS SISTERS as DLC. How the hell can you justify having to pay extra for those damn girls?

Like, I could see if you had to pay DLC for Cena, Taker, Orton, Brock. But they ask you to pay for BUMS. I don't get it
I got my NXT edition preordered on Amazon for $79.99. If you have prime and preorder video games Amazon gives you a discount.
One thing about these games is the detail people go in on created wrestlers.

If i do cop wwe 2k17, it will be a black friday purchase.
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