Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

I love DLC. Yall broke boyz need better jobs b......

#limearitalifestyle :smokin

Exactly man. Which tells me it is strategically done. (Well of course it is)

Yeah. But if it's something they simply couldn't fit into the final product in time or something they began work on after the game's release, I think that's acceptable.

This is true, but they have Diego and Fernando yet will probably have the Club and American Alpha :lol:....well, probably not a good example since no one would pay money for the Shining Stars
Man, I remember WWE 2K14 had the damn BELLAS SISTERS as DLC. How the hell can you justify having to pay extra for those damn girls?

Like, I could see if you had to pay DLC for Cena, Taker, Orton, Brock. But they ask you to pay for BUMS. I don't get it

Peep Game Peep Game , look at how he talks about his wife and sister-in-law :smh:.
This is the go-home RAW before SS?

They'll end the show by revealing the belt and Sext/Finn gonna do this --
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