Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

To be fair you did say WRESTLING will never be as good as you believe it once was.... Which prompted my statement

I realized that WWE is sports entertainment and I am stupid to ever believe they will present the product as an actual wrestling show
What bloated storylines have occured on SD since the Draft?

I kinda worded that wrong..I was trying to say that I was hoping that SD would be the show for wrestling instead of the same old formula..SD is just coming off as Raw Lite instead of a wrestling show that I think most fans was hoping for..
Managers are desperately needed in this era of indy guys that never really learned how to talk..

Brother Jules, you've got to keep me updated on your thoughts as you're watching..Is all the stuff you're going through on the Network or are you watching on youtube/dailymotion?..We need to get you, me, DC, and gunna to watch a few episodes at the same time..
The Varsity Club was so great back in the day..Rotunda and Steiner were awesome to watch..Greatly underrated tag team..

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Everything ive watched been on the network. I stared with 1985 i think im on 1988 so far. I try to watch them in order too.
I was really hoping that SD was gonna be the show where we got back to a focus on the in ring product instead of bloated storylines like what's on RAM..But I knew it was gonna be the same old thing once Sami, KO, and Cesaro were drafted to Monday Night RAM..Maybe they'll do some trades and bring those guys over, but I doubt they will since it makes too much sense..
02-06 SD was the best bro.
Mannnn Smackdown was amazing in 2009. Those IC title bouts were some of the best.

I wasn't back into wrestling at that time..I was pretty much completely done with WWE around late '02..Didn't get back into it until, I think, RR '11..
You gotta see Rey Mysterio vs John Morrison from the Sept 1, 2009 SD! if its on the Network!
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Didn't really get back into wrestling till the later half of the Ruthless Aggression era myself
You guys think Joe and Shinsuke will get pushed fast like Finn because their age once they get called up?
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You guys think Joe and Shinsuke will get pushed fast like Finn because their age once they get called up?
I don't think Joseph Samoa is getting called up soon. There are very few main event guys in NXT now beyond Joe, Naka, and Itami (?).

If those rumors are true of him retaining at SS, then there's more possibility of Sashimi moving up.
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I think they gotta call up Tongan Jeff right after SS..And Shinsuke needs to be on the by the end of the year unless they want to save him for RR and have him win it..
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