Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

No more Taker matches please you can actually tell dude is getting hurt out there every time he hits the mat
Where are y'all watching these New Japan matches?
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Looking at Okada vs Tanahashi, man if WWE understood pacing and moderation, why couldn't have Cena and Orton been as intense as a rivalry?

You already answered :lol: Dolph/Kofi faced with other in what felt like 30 times in a two year span, and Dolph/Corbin had like 10 matches over the course of their feud. They simply forgot how to book legit feuds instead of just trading wins and losses every week. It was hardly ever that way before. There were times when dudes ever even touched each other before a match, so once they finally faced off, it was a true build. Promos, backstage attacks, commentary during the other person's matches, etc is just rare today. It's basically I win, you win, you pin me in a tag match, I pin you in a 6 man tag, rinse and repeat until the PPV

Do you collect any of it?

He collects anything that has to do with Muta, Konnan, and Liger. So far, he has a pair of boxers worn by Konnan during his NWO run, a strand of hair from Liger's mask, and a collection of podcasts where Muta was mentioned.

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He collects anything that has to do with Muta, Konnan, and Liger. So far, he has a pair of boxers worn by Konnan during his NWO run, a strand of hair from Liger's mask, and a collection of podcasts where Muta was mentioned.

A sealed bottle of "vintage authetic green goo" which Mewtoe used to spit in opponents faces? :nerd:
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I'm caught up to day 16 in the G1... Going to watch 17 today and hopefully 18 tonight... Excited to catch this Okada/Tanahashi natch...

bigego24 bigego24

I got some greenhouse bubblegum going my way... Tasty :nthat:..

Have you tried Rosin?... It's like BHO but no solvent and it actually tastes like flowers :nthat:...
Case Case been watching alot of nwa this morning and whats the story between dusty and precious? And was he heel or face during his fued with tully?
Peep Game Peep Game thz now i understand the story repped

Edit: somebody was yelling at dusty during a promo he yelled out get yo fat *** out of here if you dont wanna hear it :wow: lmao
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Ain't it ironic how Phil's wrestling career ended and UFC career begins in Cleveland.

Random thought...carry on.
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