Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

yikes...he just dropped dude with disregard...

Bruiser Brody was a monster.. Imagine if Luke Harper come back fighting like Brody..
Who was the closest but still a few notches below Flair in your opinion?

Man that's almost impossible for me to answer with just 1 name..Best I can do is give you my 3 in no particular order..


I know most would say The Rock needs to be there on that list..But the one thing that I always kinda knocked Rock down just 1 notch for was his stuff tended to sound a little too rehearsed and a little too comical for my taste..I tended to like the promos that seemed straight from the hip and "real"..
Conor coming at Cena in particular definitely seems odd. I'll wait to hear Cena's Smackdown come back.
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