Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Listening to the Braun Strowman podcast has me thinking about what big men in wrestling had above average to great mic skills...? :nerd:

Off the top I came up with the following:

The Big Show
Ernie Ladd
Kevin Nash
Undertaker (meh)

Any others in yalls opinion? :nerd:

Big Evil/American Badass Undertaker have me rate his promo skills much higher. Big Show's definitely up there even with his 473 turns. Sid's promos were an anomaly, cause he was loud and measured yet completely all over the place :lol:

Having Eva get her full entrance and not wrestling may be one of the beat gimmicks going today

Is it 2 weeks in a row now ?

Yep, pulled hamstring 1st, then "wardrobe malfunction". Next week she needs strep throat, followed by her not even coming out cause she "missed her flight".

What about Big Boss Man?

He was $$$ on the mic

:smokin :smokin :rofl:

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You're arguing two different things here. No one from what I read is under the impression that you don't think Seth can wrestle. Your consistent point is because Seth does cool moves, you can'tbuy him as a heel. Now you're misdirecting and talking about a heel supposed to be a bad guy, etc.

No, my point isn't consistently that Seth is a bad heel because he does cool moves..My main point is Seth is awful at doing heel promos..Combine that fact with his babyface moveset and it just doesn't mix well..It's a combination of two things..For me it's mostly that the dude just can not cut a convincing heel promo..And him doing moves that get fans to cheer is the complete opposite of what a heel is supposed to be..
No one's saying Seth is a better promo guy than KO

I'm just wondering why KO gets an exemption from the "you can't do high spots and flips while being a heel" rule

But I was asked why KO gets a pass..And he gets a pass cause he cuts the best heel promos in the company and his overall move set is not one based on getting the fans to cheer..

And what exact high spots and flips does KO do that can be compared to a face?..The Moonsault?..If you notice he misses that the majority of the time, which is what a heel is supposed to do..The Pop Up Powerbomb isn't a high flying move and neither is the cannonball..So what moves are you referring to?..
Who's promos were the most consistently confusing, Savage/Warrior/Steiner/Sid?..
But I was asked why KO gets a pass..And he gets a pass cause he cuts the best heel promos in the company and his overall move set is not one based on getting the fans to cheer..

And what exact high spots and flips does KO do that can be compared to a face?..The Moonsault?..If you notice he misses that the majority of the time, which is what a heel is supposed to do..The Pop Up Powerbomb isn't a high flying move and neither is the cannonball..So what moves are you referring to?..

Frog splash
Swanton Bomb
Springboard Tornado DDT
Somersault Plancha
And how many of those does he miss?..If, and when, he turns face he'll start landing those the majority of the time..

You deadset on making your point that you're making up facts cause KO is already landing those the majority of the time.

It's gotten to the point where I believe Peep Game Peep Game made a joke that they have to let KO get a pin off the Frog Splash because of how big he is.
And how many of those does he miss?..If, and when, he turns face he'll start landing those the majority of the time..

You're changing your argument again

So it's fine for heels to have an acrobatic moveset as long as they miss most of the time?
Case, you're acting like Rollins is out there flying around like Kalisto or something, when he isn't like that whatsoever. I'd actually argue that KO has more of a babyface acrobatic moveset than Rollins.
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This is a cool question

Paul White
I think when Big Cass goes solo and turns heel he's gonna know the right buttons to press. So I want to put him here too
Taker is good all hate aside
SID VICIOUS :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

I ran out of names lol
Korporate Kane
Case, you're acting like Rollins is out there flying around like Kalisto or something, when he isn't like that whatsoever. I'd actually argue that KO has more of a babyface acrobatic moveset than Rollins.
Case is blinded by his hate for Seth.
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