Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Listening to the Braun Strowman podcast has me thinking about what big men in wrestling had above average to great mic skills...? :nerd:

Off the top I came up with the following:

The Big Show
Ernie Ladd
Kevin Nash
Undertaker (meh)

Any others in yalls opinion? :nerd:

This is a cool question

Paul White
I think when Big Cass goes solo and turns heel he's gonna know the right buttons to press. So I want to put him here too
Taker is good all hate aside
SID VICIOUS :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

I ran out of names lol

While I can not deny Sid's high entertainment value on the mic, his promos were sub-par at best

exactly :lol:
I know it is annoying when I bring it up but that Sasha Banks argument might be the worst point made in the history of NT Wrestling Federation.

Probably worst than SHeamus being a HOFer
prisoners of the moment b
Yea, just like @Peep Game
  screaming that the Warriors were better than the 96 Bulls and the rest of those fools in the Sports and General thread

Andrades over there smiling like hell when Roode made the challenge to him. Somebody needs to coach him up on that
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