Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Funny you should ask, I'm actually scheduled to start classes here in Mexico when the school opens back up in September. I met a promoter at a local event and he said I could probably be competing with other newcomers by the end of the year.

I take my future craft seriously, and am happy to share all I've learned in my lifetime of film study and unsanctioned experience.
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Well introduce yourself formally.

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Ignore these dudes. They do nothing but complain about wrestling each week, play with each others toes under the tables, and outwardly flirt with eachother.

They don't appreciate legit wrestling discussions

Ignore these dudes. They do nothing but complain about wrestling each week, play with each others toes under the tables, and outwardly flirt with eachother.

They don't appreciate legit wrestling discussions
man you always on some "funny stuff".
-Irish whips work on the principle that returning to the opponent in an attack position is most advantageous, so wrestlers will often use the balance-disrupting initial throw as an opportunity to gather momentum for a rebound attack such as a clothesline or spear, or possibly some rope assisted moves for smaller competitors. A direct return presents the best chance of a successful counterattack and helps to provide the stable base necessary to initate some of the more advanced maneuvers, e.g. The Rock's flying DDT.

-Sometimes combatants hit the corner chest first trying to perform evasion tactics like an overhead rope flip or even an express route to the top rope. Bret Hart was among the first modern competitors to experiment with this concept, devising the idea in his advanced studies of ring mechanics, although his relative lack of elite athleticism meant he paid the price for it more often than not.

-Again, wrestlers should try to make their best efforts to face their opponent in an advantageous position at all times. Think of a MMA fighter losing his ideal position and dropping on his back to guard, a stance that can look counterintuitive to the outside observer but presents the skilled competitor with a number of options for potentially turning the situation on his opponent. For this reason, the instinct to turn away from the ropes when overpowered by an Irish Whip is drilled into young competitors from day one in wrestling school: "turn your back, prepare to attack!" Of course, it doesn't always work out that way...that's active competition for ya.

EDIT: I agree that suicide dives are overused by today's competitors. They've high-risk maneuvers that should only be employed in desperation or to offset the power of a larger opponent. I find the difficulty defensive wrestlers commonly have avoiding them mystifying, but that may be attributed to exhaustion or delayed reaction time due to anaerobic fatigue: remember, there are no time-outs or water breaks in the squared circle!

Cosmic ending careers out here
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Well introduce yourself formally.

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- 28

- Born in a state of abundance, Fighting out of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

- I'm a fan of physical contests that show off the athleticism and brutality of the competitors. Off top, Edge's Wrestlemania match with Undertaker was an incredible showcase of his ability to outmaneuver a much larger opponent. Angle and Lesnar's hourlong match is another favorite. Lesnar v. Reigns was surprisingly compelling. The Shield's debut was a flawless exhibition of ruthlessly efficient teamwork. It's nearly impossible to pick a single WCW cruiserweight match, but the entire Malenko-Mysterio series immediately jumps out for its fierceness and strategic evolution.

Mankind/Taker HIAC rests in a weird place for me, my respect for the sport has grown such that the risk to Mankind's body is constantly in mind from a competitor's standpoint, and while I can't watch it as often as I once did, it's still an unforgettable match.

- You can look at answer 1 and guess that. The Monday Night Wars were my favorite time to be a fan, there was excitement, there was choice, there were unforgettable personalities...there was no other time like it. I will say I'm actually excited to see some of the industry's new directions, and there are arguably more talented and versatile athletes in the global spotlight than ever before, so I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.

- Besides the obvious, I'm also a fan of Lucha Underground and AAA comes on TV regularly here. I watch many of New Japan's major events and I also try to keep up with smaller promotions such as ROH...if I'm lucky, those are my future opponents!

- Just a quick 5, huge fan of prime Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar gave me a lot to think about as far as incorporating a striking/MMA background, RVD had an amazing style, Seth Rollins is incredible, and Razor Ramon helped me understand the importance of personality in connecting with fans, whether it was controversial or not.

- Stone Cold's comes on the Network, so I catch that. Talk is Jericho has some great content and I respect many of his perspectives as a world-traveled competitor. I've also listened to LAW once or twice.
Keep us updated man.
For sure, I'm excited to make the leap into the sport we all love.
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Well introduce yourself formally.



Favorite matches

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Favorite wrestlers

Favorite podcasts
- 28

- Born in a state of abundance, Fighting out of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

- I'm a fan of physical contests that show off the athleticism and brutality of the competitors. Off top, Edge's Wrestlemania match with Undertaker was an incredible showcase of his ability to outmaneuver a much larger opponent. Angle and Lesnar's hourlong match is another favorite. Lesnar v. Reigns was surprisingly compelling. The Shield's debut was a flawless exhibition of ruthlessly efficient teamwork. It's nearly impossible to pick a single WCW cruiserweight match, but the entire Malenko-Mysterio series immediately jumps out for its fierceness and strategic evolution.

Mankind/Taker HIAC rests in a weird place for me, my respect for the sport has grown such that the risk to Mankind's body is constantly in mind from a competitor's standpoint, and while I can't watch it as often as I once did, it's still an unforgettable match.

- You can look at answer 1 and guess that. The Monday Night Wars were my favorite time to be a fan, there was excitement, there was choice, there were unforgettable personalities...there was no other time like it. I will say I'm actually excited to see some of the industry's new directions, and there are arguably more talented and versatile athletes in the global spotlight than ever before, so I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.

- Besides the obvious, I'm also a fan of Lucha Underground and AAA comes on TV regularly here. I watch many of New Japan's major events and I also try to keep up with smaller promotions such as ROH...if I'm lucky, those are my future opponents!

- Just a quick 5, huge fan of prime Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar gave me a lot to think about as far as incorporating a striking/MMA background, RVD had an amazing style, Seth Rollins is incredible, and Razor Ramon helped me understand the importance of personality in connecting with fans, whether it was controversial or not.

- Stone Cold's comes on the Network, so I catch that. Talk is Jericho has some great content and I respect many of his perspectives as a world-traveled competitor. I've also listened to LAW once or twice.

Keep us updated man.
For sure, I'm excited to make the leap into the sport we all love.

Welcome to the NTWT :smokin
Well introduce yourself formally.

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How come I was never asked this question when I joined the NTWT? Is it because half of you knew me from the NFL/NBA thread? Or did I just get a pass because I'm so smooth?
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