Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

I hope Seth 'Stings' Finn Balor at Summerfest 
Angle ain't coming b
I hate that this is done, but I assume it is done for that initial pop? So everyone can know who it is at the same time?
Why would anyone disrupt a legitimate athletic competition for solely for some kind of audience meta-note? See, it all has to do with the economy...large traveling federations like the E (where this practice is most prevalent) unfortunately pay their technical crew poorly...and that's where these odd little "technical malfunctions" come in. 

See, a wrestler known for being a solid overall guy, say, a John Cena, earns this universal reputation through good treatment of the support staff--after all, charity starts at home. Friendly faces like his commonly buy beer for the tech crew, order pizza for them when catering is running low, etc.

Of course, everyone with a low paying job knows free food in bulk could end up all you eat that week, so to ensure that their Superstar buddy can fund their post-event party instead of his hospital bills that night, the tech crew will warn a friendly wrestler of incoming trouble by "accidentally" tripping the music, letting the guy know who's come to kick his *** in time to maybe save himself.

Now, when it comes to less scrupulous guys...you know, the ones who run down fans and don't mind using underhanded tactics in a match--they'll have a more direct approach. It's not hard to slip a tech guy $50 (well worth it every night to save your championship, for example) to play a rival's music if they see anything threatening...or hell, threaten them physically. Again, oops, wrong button, live TV.

Apparently management is aware of this little bribery system and thinks it makes better television...I don't agree, I think it sends out vibes of disorganization, but hey, they do things differently in New York.
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Ths soft rock indy band theme song has to GO

Look at those stats, Deep Sea just wet himself!
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3x champion?? He's never won the WWE title

I cant deal with all these botches already

If Zach Ryder climbs the top rope im outta here
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