Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

Is it my imagination or did everybody's gear/merch switch to red after the brand split...Reigns, The Cool Kids Club, Brock (tho that might have been an Atlanta thing)...maybe emphasizing their presence on Raw? 
Yeah now that you mention it. It does seem that way. 
Is it my imagination or did everybody's gear/merch switch to red after the brand split...Reigns, The Cool Kids Club, Brock (tho that might have been an Atlanta thing)...maybe emphasizing their presence on Raw? 
Yeah now that you mention it. It does seem that way. 

Damn, you may be right. I was expecting The Club guys to help Reigns when I saw he was Wolf Pack colors too :lol:
So ANOTHER best is going to SMACKDOWN?

I really don't understand why

WWE World (I didn't want a NEW World/Universal Belt)

Champions couldn't just float between shows.


SHould be the "Main" titles of each show.

Looks like they didn't learn from last time. :smh: You're points here make too much sense to mesh with #WWELogic
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WWE Shop has most of the t-shirts on sale for $15 today.

You know to wear at wrestling events only.

Because society.
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They got to bring in those titles because you got to give the women something to fight for. If they put all the women on one show, that's 2 segments per week all these women would have been fighting for. Viewers would have grown fatigued by meaningless feuds. There's no way to really progress that story.
They got to bring in those titles because you got to give the women something to fight for. If they put all the women on one show, that's 2 segments per week all these women would have been fighting for. Viewers would have grown fatigued by meaningless feuds. There's no way to really progress that story.
People can have feuds without a title involved. It just doesn't make sense to me to have less than 6 people in a division and having a title for it.

Make the feuds more personal. Fans only take what is given to them.
No one is trying to see Nattie vs. Becky drag on for another month with no stakes attached to it.
No one is trying to see Nattie vs. Becky drag on for another month with no stakes attached to it.
People don't care about Nattie/Becky because they haven't been given a reason to care about Nattie/Becky; NOT because there isn't a belt involved

Again, it is up to the company to make characters meaningful enough to be able to feud with another character WITHOUT a belt involved
I think so. Nattie beat Becky the first time, Becky then beat her in the rematch. Why are they fighting for again?

Now imagine this same exchange is going on with let's say Naomi and Carmella. What are they fighting month to month for?

You put a title in the picture. Becky & Nattie going back and forth makes more sense because the end goal is the championship. And then the secondary women's feud has more stakes becauze their fighting to become Number 1 contender.

Hell if they build it correctly, you could even have a 3rd female's feud running which could be about a personal feud as you suggested.
I hear everything you are saying. But again, we are asking the American Wrestling Fanbase to care about a BOOTLEG women's title when there are 6 people in the division.

If people don't care about the division, it is NOT because there isn't a belt there

We can just agree to disagree.
Post some of the ones that are universal wears
Well for full disclosure, I'm the type of guy who wears sports/superhero/band tees, so it's all the same to me, but these are just a few of the currents I regularly rotate:

(couldn't find a good pic)

(full disclosure, I colored in the little WW with black sharpie)

it's not the fact that they are wrestling shirts that's the issue, it's that the majority of the E's designs are ever so trash, featuring cringe+ catchphrases, overdesign (DAMN have they killed so many perfectly good shirts with some off-brand ******** on the back) and a general look like they belong at a K-Mart alongside shirts that say "Slugger Sports" and "Extreme Beach Patrol."

of course I have most of the standards...NWO, etc...but yeah if they made better shirts, I'd buy even more...they look cool enough, I like the subject matter and the ******* don't complain. case closed.
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