Wrestling Thread Aug 26-Sep 8 | 9/2 RAW - Happy Labor Day

Ok, I don't know what dude did/said to Koko B. Ware but this is one of the more brutal things I have seen in a ring. It is only about 2 mins. Koko channeled his inner Vader for this one. SHEESH

2 new matches planned for NOC.

AJ defending her Divas title in a fatal 4-way.

Christian VS Bray Wyatt.
AJ defending her Divas title in a fatal 4-way.
Yup, Cena's Bella is winning that.
Will post some vids tomorrow (well it's already tomorrow, but whatever)

Christian vs Bray Wyatt? Guess they realized feeding him Christian instead of Kane will actually result in a good match.

Divas fatal 4 way? Hmmm, Nikki rolls AJ out the ring and pins Naomi as Nattie was already rolled out the ring. Can't wait :rolleyes
- As noted, AJ Lee's pipebomb promo on RAW will lead to her defending the Divas Title against a cast member of Total Divas at Night of Champions. Speculation is that we may see a title change, which would be the "main event" of the final episode of the first season of Total Divas. :smh:

Dear god, I hope she doesn't drop the strap to one of those Bella hussies. Either keep the belt on AJ, or give Natalya another title run.
Barbed Wire City is up on youtube..Here's the link

It's a decent, at best, documentary..Not as good as Forever Hardcore or Rise and Fall of ECW..If you're a fan of ECW there really isn't anything in it that you aren't already familiar with or new things you'll discover about the promotion..I'd give it a 5/10..
Barbed Wire City is up on youtube..Here's the link

It's a decent, at best, documentary..Not as good as Forever Hardcore or Rise and Fall of ECW..If you're a fan of ECW there really isn't anything in it that you aren't already familiar with or new things you'll discover about the promotion..I'd give it a 5/10..

i'd give it a 7/10. Just my opinion.

I remember that DFly. He had a mask, facepaint, and a whole new look, but like you said, that theme :x :x How can you get a whole new look, but keep that awful Yoshi's Island sounding theme ???
Videos of this? I never knew this happened.

[quote name="Maximus Meridius" url="/t/567719/wrestling-thread-aug-26-sep-1-8-26-raw-summerslam-ppv-prediction-contest-results/720#post_18635533] Anybody know why WCW made Rey wrestle w/o his mask at one point?
Bischoff not having respect for the culture. He unmasked all of those dudes man.
Villano 4[/quote]

:x :smh: At how every one of them were unmasked (don't remember Villano being unmasked though)

Here's that Yoshi Tatsu vid

They had him set up really cool at the beginning, then as soon as the music kicked in, :x
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